RTLS System

Table of Contents

General Information

  1. Detailed guide can be found on SimpleLink Academy
  2. To get usage information for the RTLS Node Manager scripts and GUI please refer to: tools\ble5stack\rtls_agent\README.md
  3. In order to edit and view how the RTLS subsystem handles uNPI commands, please refer to the following file: tools\ble5stack\rtls_agent\rtls\rtls\ss_rtls.py
  4. In order to see a usage example, please refer to tools\ble5stack\rtls_agent\examples\rtls_example.py which shows how to use a RTLS Master + RTLS Slave + RTLS Passive combination
  5. To access GUI, please refer TI Gallery and look for RTLS Monitor project.


This readme contains the following information: 1. How to setup AoA demo 2. How to setup ToF demo 3. Description of commands accepted by RTLS Control and their meaning

Angle of Arrival - Setup

Software Setup

AoA is currently supported on all roles with the following caveats:

RTLS Master

RTLS Slave

RTLS Passive

Hardware Setup

Note: Pin 29 will be held high on application initialization in order to enable a TX/RX antenna in cases where BOOSTXL-AOA is attached AoA requires 3 devices: RTLS Master/Passive/Slave. The devices should be flashed with the rtls_master/rtls_passive/rtls_slave applications as described above (with AoA flags). Compile and flash your applications - note that the LaunchPad with BOOSTXL-AOA should be used as the RTLS Passive.

For the RTLS Passive hardware setup, please take a look at Angle of Arrival BoosterPack

Running The Example

The steps to run the out of box example is described in tools\blestack\rtls_agent\README.html

Time of Flight - Setup

Software Setup

RTLS Master

RTLS Slave

RTLS Passive

Hardware Setup

ToF requires 3 devices: RTLS Master/Passive/Slave. The devices should be flashed with the rtls_master/rtls_passive/rtls_slave applications as described above (with ToF flags).


This part is relevant when using TOF_MODE_DIST * To calibrate your devices, keep the RTLS Slave 1m apart from RTLS Master/Passive before starting ToF * Once ToF is started and results start appearing, it means that the device is calibrated and started collecting samples

Using BOOSTXL-AOA on a ToF board

It is possible to have a board that is modified to be used for AoA and still being able to perform ToF with. The user must set the relevant antenna pins (IOID28, IOID29, IOID30) to act as output. For reference, see AOA_openPins function under AOA.c.

Running The Example

The steps to run the out of box example is described in tools\blestack\rtls_agent\README.html