1    /* 
     2     *  Copyright (c) 2012 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved.
     3     *  This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
     4     *  terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License
     5     *  v. 1.0 which accompanies this distribution. The Eclipse Public License is
     6     *  available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html and the Eclipse
     7     *  Distribution License is available at
     8     *  http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php.
     9     *
    10     *  Contributors:
    11     *      Texas Instruments - initial implementation
    12     * */
    13    /*
    14     *  ======== SysCallback.xdc ========
    15     */
    16    package xdc.runtime;
    18    /*!
    19     *  ======== SysCallback ========
    20     *  ISystemSupport implementation for user callback functions
    21     *
    22     *  This module provides a implementation of the `{@link ISystemSupport}`
    23     *  interface that simply calls back the user defined functions to enable the
    24     *  System module's functionality.
    25     *
    26     *  Configuration is as shown below.
    27     *  @p(code)
    28     *
    29     *  var SysCallback = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.SysCallback');
    30     *  SysCallback.abortFxn = "&userAbort";
    31     *  SysCallback.exitFxn  = "&userExit";
    32     *  SysCallback.flushFxn = "&userFlush";
    33     *  SysCallback.putchFxn = "&userPutch";
    34     *  SysCallback.readyFxn = "&userReady";
    35     *
    36     *  @p
    37     *
    38     */
    39    module SysCallback inherits xdc.runtime.ISystemSupport
    40    {
    41        /*!
    42         *  ======== AbortFxn ========
    43         *  Abort function signature
    44         */
    45        typedef Void (*AbortFxn)(CString);
    47        /*!
    48         *  ======== defaultAbort ========
    49         *  Default abort function that does nothing
    50         *
    51         *  This default abort function spins forever and never returns.
    52         */
    53        extern Void defaultAbort(CString) = xdc_runtime_SysCallback_defaultAbort;
    55        /*!
    56         *  ======== ExitFxn ========
    57         *  Exit function signature
    58         */
    59        typedef Void (*ExitFxn)(Int);
    61        /*!
    62         *  ======== defaultExit ========
    63         *  Default exit function that does nothing
    64         *
    65         *  The default exit function does nothing and returns.
    66         */
    67        extern Void defaultExit(Int) = xdc_runtime_SysCallback_defaultExit;
    69        /*!
    70         *  ======== FlushFxn ========
    71         *  Flush function signature
    72         */
    73        typedef Void (*FlushFxn)();
    75        /*!
    76         *  ======== defaultFlush ========
    77         *  Default flush function that does nothing
    78         *
    79         *  The default flush function does nothing and returns.
    80         */
    81        extern Void defaultFlush() = xdc_runtime_SysCallback_defaultFlush;
    83        /*!
    84         *  ======== PutchFxn ========
    85         *  Putch function signature
    86         */
    87        typedef Void (*PutchFxn)(Char);
    89        /*!
    90         *  ======== defaultPutch ========
    91         *  Default putch function that does nothing
    92         *
    93         *  The default putch function drops the characters.
    94         */
    95        extern Void defaultPutch(Char) = xdc_runtime_SysCallback_defaultPutch;
    97        /*!
    98         *  ======== ReadyFxn ========
    99         *  Ready function signature
   100         */
   101        typedef Bool (*ReadyFxn)();
   103        /*!
   104         *  ======== defaultReady ========
   105         *  Default ready function that does nothing
   106         *
   107         *  The default ready function returns `TRUE` always.
   108         */
   109        extern Bool defaultReady() = xdc_runtime_SysCallback_defaultReady;
   111        /*!
   112         *  ======== abortFxn =========
   113         *  User supplied abort function
   114         *
   115         *  This function is called when the application calls
   116         *  `{@link System#abort()}` function. If the user supplied funtion
   117         *  returns, the abort function of the ANSI C Standard library is called.
   118         *  For more information see the `{@link System#abort()}` documentation.
   119         *
   120         *  By default, this function is configured with a default abort function.
   121         *  This default abort function spins forever and never returns.
   122         */
   123        config AbortFxn abortFxn = "&xdc_runtime_SysCallback_defaultAbort";
   125        /*!
   126         *  ======== exitFxn =========
   127         *  User supplied exit function
   128         *
   129         *  This function is called when the application calls
   130         *  `{@link System#exit()}` function. If the user supplied function
   131         *  returns, the ANSI C Standard Library atexit processing will be
   132         *  completed. For more information see the `{@link System#exit()}`
   133         *  documentation.
   134         *
   135         *  By default, this function is configured with a default exit function.
   136         *  The default exit function does nothing and returns.
   137         */
   138        config ExitFxn exitFxn = "&xdc_runtime_SysCallback_defaultExit";
   140        /*!
   141         *  ======== flushFxn =========
   142         *  User supplied flush function
   143         *
   144         *  This function is called when the application calls
   145         *  `{@link System#flush()}` function. 
   146         *
   147         *  By default, this function is configured with a default flush function.
   148         *  The default flush function does nothing and returns.
   149         */
   150        config FlushFxn flushFxn = "&xdc_runtime_SysCallback_defaultFlush";
   152        /*!
   153         *  ======== putchFxn =========
   154         *  User supplied character output function
   155         *
   156         *  This function is called whenever the `System` module needs to output 
   157         *  a character; e.g., during `{@link System#printf()}` or 
   158         *  `{@link System#putch()}`.
   159         *
   160         *  By default, this function is configured with a default putch function.
   161         *  The default putch function drops the characters.
   162         */
   163        config PutchFxn putchFxn = "&xdc_runtime_SysCallback_defaultPutch";
   165        /*!
   166         *  ======== readyFxn =========
   167         *  User supplied ready function
   168         *
   169         *  This function is called by the `System` module prior to performing any
   170         *  character output to check if the `SystemSupport` module is ready to 
   171         *  accept the character. For more information see the 
   172         * `{@link ISystemSupport#ready()}` documentation.
   173         *
   174         *  By default, this function is configured with a default ready function. 
   175         *  The default ready function returns `TRUE` always.
   176         */
   177        config ReadyFxn readyFxn = "&xdc_runtime_SysCallback_defaultReady";
   178    }
   179    /*
   180     *  @(#) xdc.runtime; 2, 1, 0,0; 8-21-2019 13:22:47; /db/ztree/library/trees/xdc/xdc-H25/src/packages/
   181     */