Test Release - The release updates .out file and OCP controls global variable
Updated On: 2019-05-10 15:27 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v7.1.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

This milestone release includes stepper motor control page with speed/step control modes and decay mode configuration
Updated On: 2019-05-24 13:27 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v7.2.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

Milestone Release - v1.0.0 This release contains the final version of DRV8889-Q1 GUI.
Updated On: 2019-04-15 04:36 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v7.1.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.