DRV8311HEVM Sensored Trapezoidal GUI. Compatible with DRV8311H and DRV8311S
Updated On: 2022-06-20 23:45 UTC
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This software requires GUI Composer runtime v11.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

DRV8311xEVM InstaSPIN Universal GUI for the DRV8311H/S devices. Uses is05_motor_id (from MotorControl SDK 3.01.00).
Updated On: 2022-08-30 21:52 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v11.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

DRV8316REVM Sensored Trapezoidal GUI. Compatible with DRV8316R and DRV8316T
Updated On: 2022-03-24 22:00 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v11.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

DRV8316xEVM InstaSPIN Universal GUI for the DRV8316R/T devices. Uses is05_motor_id (from MotorControl SDK 3.01.00).
Updated On: 2022-01-21 19:52 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v10.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

DRV8317xEVM InstaSPIN Universal GUI for the DRV8317H/S devices. Uses is05_motor_id (from MotorControl SDK 3.01.00).
Updated On: 2022-12-16 00:22 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v11.1.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

DRV8328A/DRV8328C EVM GUI. Spins motor using sensored trapezoidal commutation. Supports A and C variants only.
Updated On: 2022-01-31 21:57 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v10.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

DRV8328B/DRV8328D EVM GUI. Spins motor using sensored trapezoidal commutation. Supports B and D variants only.
Updated On: 2022-01-31 22:19 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v10.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

DRV8329A EVM GUI. Spins motor using sensored trapezoidal commutation. Supports DRV8329A variant only on the EVM.
Updated On: 2022-08-18 19:54 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v11.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

DRV8329B EVM GUI. Spins motor using sensored trapezoidal commutation. Supports DRV8329B variant only on the EVM.
Updated On: 2022-08-18 19:53 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v11.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

DRV8353Rx EVM GUI Release Fixes old online connectivity issues updated 1/3/2022
Updated On: 2022-01-03 17:00 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v10.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

MCT8329A GUI (Added Guided Tuning and All Tuning Settings Pages, Read-me fix, and Cosmetic naming changes)
Updated On: 2023-03-30 18:29 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v11.2.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

MCT8329A GUI. Updated the SLOW_FIRST_CYC_FREQ dependency in the All tuning settings page.
Updated On: 2023-05-15 23:09 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v11.2.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.