This GUI demonstrates how MSP430 MCUs can be used for housekeeping functions such as monitoring an analog input.
Version History: [v1.0.0] Initial release.
Updated On: 2020-12-08 06:00 UTC
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This software requires GUI Composer runtime v8.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

This GUI displays battery monitoring parameters such as voltages, currents, temperatures, and statuses from BQ76952EVM.
Version History: [v1.0.0] Initial release.
Updated On: 2021-10-22 02:18 UTC
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This software requires GUI Composer runtime v10.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

Use MSP430 to communicate with 3 I2C sensors, including HDC2080, TMP117 and OPT3001.
Updated On: 2021-05-31 12:59 UTC
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This software requires GUI Composer runtime v8.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

This GUI demonstrates how MSP430 MCUs can be used for housekeeping functions such as RTC, SW calendar and Tamper Detect
Version History: [v1.0.0] Initial release
Updated On: 2021-09-08 08:16 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v9.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

This GUI demonstrates how MSP430 MCUs can be used for housekeeping functions such as an external watchdog timer.
Version History: [v1.0.0] Initial release.
Updated On: 2021-02-10 20:06 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v8.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

This GUI demonstrates how MSP430 MCUs can be used for housekeeping functions such as an external real-time clock.
Version History: [v1.0.0] Initial release.
Updated On: 2021-02-17 15:39 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v8.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

This GUI demonstrates how MSP430 MCUs can be used for housekeeping functions such as generating independent PWMs.
Updated On: 2021-08-13 14:30 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v9.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

This GUI demonstrates how MSP430 MCUs can be used for housekeeping functions such as an I2C I/O expander.
Version History: [v1.0.0] Initial release.
Updated On: 2021-05-28 12:47 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v8.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

This GUI downloads an image to the FR2355 Launchpad that enables users to quickly configure and evaluate the analog.
Updated On: 2021-03-11 21:49 UTC
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This software requires GUI Composer runtime v8.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

View ADC data captured by the MSP430i20xx MCU's integrated Sigma-Delta ADC modules and adjust gain and preload.
Version History: [v1.0.0] Initial release. [v1.0.1] Fixed an issue in the GUI where the gain had to be set twice for the initial selection only.
Updated On: 2021-01-26 02:28 UTC
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This software requires GUI Composer runtime v8.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

BLDC Hall-sensored Trapezoidal solution using LP-MSPM0G3507 + DRV8316REVM. Supports production LP and EVM only.
Updated On: 2023-06-29 09:10 UTC
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This software requires GUI Composer runtime v11.2.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

Sensorless FOC Demo using LP-MSPM0G3507 + BOOSTXL-DRV8323RS. Supports production LP and EVM only.
Updated On: 2023-06-29 09:18 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v11.2.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

Sensorless FOC Demo using LP-MSPM0G3507 + BOOSTXL-DRV8323RS. Supports production LP and EVM only.
Updated On: 2023-10-07 10:07 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v12.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

GUI for Sensored FOC Motor Control that use UART Connection to monitor and update the motor tuning parameters.
Updated On: 2025-02-27 10:48 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v13.1.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

GUI for Sensorless FOC Motor Control that use UART Connection to monitor and update the motor tuning parameters.
Updated On: 2024-12-16 13:38 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v13.1.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

GUI for Sensorless FOC Motor Control that use UART Connection to monitor and update the motor tuning parameters.
Updated On: 2025-02-27 10:35 UTC
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This software requires GUI Composer runtime v13.1.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

GUI Composer which uses Serial Wire Debugger (SWD) connection for the communication with Sensorless FOC.
Updated On: 2024-05-09 06:35 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v12.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

GUI for Sensorless FOC Motor Control that use UART Connection to monitor and update the motor tuning parameters.
Updated On: 2024-08-28 12:02 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v12.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

GUI for Sensorless FOC Motor Control that use UART Connection to monitor and update the motor tuning parameters.
Updated On: 2024-10-01 06:15 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v13.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

GUI for Universal FOC Motor Control that use UART Connection to monitor and update the motor tuning parameters.
Updated On: 2024-12-17 13:20 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v13.1.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

GUI for Universal FOC Motor Control that use UART Connection to monitor and update the motor tuning parameters.
Updated On: 2025-02-27 10:37 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v13.1.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

GUI to demonstrate driving a stepper motor with PWM interface using TI's LP-MSPM0L1306 and DRV8411AEVM
Updated On: 2023-03-10 18:20 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v11.2.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

GUI to demonstrate driving a brushed motor using TI's LP-MSPM0L1306 and DRV8706S-Q1EVM
Updated On: 2023-02-27 22:15 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v11.1.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

GUI to demonstrate driving a stepper motor with STEP interface using TI's LP-MSPM0L1306 and DRV8889-Q1EVM
Updated On: 2023-03-10 18:18 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v11.2.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

Simple GUI using Streaming JSON transport layer with MSPM0. See Example in MSPM0 SDK for more details.
Updated On: 2023-01-24 22:40 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v11.1.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

Simple GUI using Streaming MessagePack transport layer with MSPM0. See Example in MSPM0 SDK for more details.
Updated On: 2023-01-24 22:35 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v11.1.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

Simple GUI using optimized Streaming MessagePack transport layer with MSPM0. See Example in MSPM0 SDK for more details.
Updated On: 2023-01-24 22:38 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v11.1.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

Graphical development environment for designing applications for MSPM0 microcontrollers.
Updated On: 2025-01-08 21:03 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v13.1.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

Two Pulse Width Modulated DACs are demonstrated producing sine, ramp, and static signals.
Updated On: 2021-03-18 20:43 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v8.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

This GUI demonstrates how MSP430 MCUs can be used for housekeeping functions such as an power sequencer.
Initial release. [v1.0.0]
Updated On: 2021-09-02 06:29 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v9.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

This GUI demonstrates how MSP430 MCUs can be used as a programmable system wake-up controller.
Version History: [v1.0.0] Initial release, added LF XTAL warning.
Updated On: 2021-01-22 09:50 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v8.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

This GUI demonstrates how MSP430 MCUs can be used for housekeeping functions such as a programmable clock source.
Version History: [v1.0.0] Initial release.
Updated On: 2021-05-31 14:23 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v8.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

This GUI demonstrates how MSP430 MCUs can be used for housekeeping functions such as color mixing a RGB LED.
Version History: [v1.0.0] Initial release.
Updated On: 2020-11-19 17:13 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v8.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

This GUI demonstrates how MSP430 MCUs can be used for housekeeping functions such as a SPI I/O expander.
Version History: [v1.0.0] Initial release.
Updated On: 2020-11-19 17:16 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v8.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

This GUI demonstrates how MSP430 MCUs can be used for housekeeping functions such as a 7-segment LED stopwatch.
Version History: [v1.0.0] Initial release.
Updated On: 2021-02-11 21:56 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v8.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

This GUI displays parameters from the TIDA-010208 board by communicating with the MSP430FR2355 LaunchPad.
Version History: [v1.0.0] Initial release.
Updated On: 2021-04-22 19:04 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v8.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

This GUI demonstrates how MSP430 MCUs can be used for housekeeping functions such as a USB to UART Bridge.
Version History: [v1.0.0] Initial Release.
Updated On: 2021-07-30 21:38 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v9.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

This GUI demonstrates how MSP430 MCUs can be used for housekeeping functions such as a voltage monitor with a timestamp....
Updated On: 2020-11-20 19:08 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v8.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.