Advanced Motion Detection using PIR sensors on TIDA-01069 EVM.
Advanced Motion Detection using two PIR sensors on TIDA-01069. Please see http://www.ti.com/tool/TIDA-01069 for information on board and application note that describes algorithms used for analysis of PIR sensor data.
Updated On: 2017-11-15 18:49 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v5.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

GUI Composer app to demo a 'button' example from Sensors and Controls Simplelink SDK plugin for CC3220SF LaunchPad.
Click hardware buttons on the LaunchPad and visualize click metrics in GUI Composer application.
Updated On: 2017-09-29 21:02 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v5.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

GUI Composer app to demo a 'button' example from Sensors and Controls Simplelink SDK plugin for LAUNCHXL-CC1310.
Click hardware buttons on the LaunchPad and visualize click metrics in GUI Composer application.
Updated On: 2017-09-29 21:07 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v5.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

GUI Composer app to demo a 'button' from Sensors and Controls Simplelink SDK plugin for LAUNCHXL-CC2640R2 LaunchPad.
Click hardware buttons on the LaunchPad and visualize click metrics in GUI Composer application.
Updated On: 2017-09-29 20:50 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v5.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

GUI Composer app to demo a 'button' example from Sensors and Controls Simplelink SDK plugin for MSP-EXP432 LaunchPad.
Click hardware buttons on the LaunchPad and visualize click metrics in GUI Composer application.
Updated On: 2017-09-29 20:52 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v5.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.