Welcome to the Texas Instruments Sitara Linux Academy. This material is a collection of content to make building a custom Linux system on customized hardware faster and easier.

The starting point of this process is the Processor SDK for Linux from TI for the AM64x. This Software Development Kit attempts to simplify evaluating, developing, and customizing a complete Linux distro for embedded systems.

The Linux System Design module gives an overview of the entire design process. It includes a checklist to capture many different aspects of the design process, some of which are easy to overlook or ignore.

In Evaluating Linux, several ways to explore Linux right out of the box on a TI EVM are covered. This module allows users to start interacting directly with the SDK via a wide variety of labs to teach common practices and tips and tricks to speed development.

Developing Linux on a TI EVM takes the next natural step by discussing ways to change the SDK to further development. Rebuilding some of the core components like U-Boot or the Linux kernel are good examples of the content covered here. User Space or application develpment can also commonly start here to take advantage of the time waiting on custom hardware.

The goal of most embedded systems is to get Linux up and running on custom hardware. This process is covered in the Porting Linux to Custom Hardware section. Other Linux customizations are also discussed in this section.

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