Kernel Configuration¶
A TI-RTOS application configures the TI-RTOS kernel using a configuration
file) that is found within the project. In IAR and
CCS projects, this file is found in the application project workspace
under the TOOLS
The configuration is accomplished by selectively including or using
RTSC modules available to the kernel. To use a module, the .cfg
calls xdc.useModule()
after which it can set various options as defined in
the TI-RTOS Kernel (SYS/BIOS) User’s Guide.
Some of the option that can be configured in the .cfg
file include but are
not limited to:
Boot options
Number of Hwi, Swi, and Task priorities
Exception and Error handling
The duration of a System tick (the most fundamental unit of time in the TI-RTOS kernel).
Defining the application’s entry point and interrupt vector
TI-RTOS heaps and stacks
Including pre-compiled kernel and TI-RTOS driver libraries
System providers (for
Whenever a change in the .cfg
file is made, you will rerun the XDCTools’
tool. This step is already handled for you as a pre-build step in
the provided IAR and CCS examples.
For the CC13x0, a TI-RTOS kernel exists in ROM. Typically for flash
footprint savings, the .cfg
will include the kernel’s ROM module as
shown in Listing 1.
/* ================ ROM configuration ================ */
* To use BIOS in flash, comment out the code block below.
var ROM = xdc.useModule('ti.sysbios.rom.ROM');
if (Program.cpu.deviceName.match(/CC26X2/)) {
ROM.romName = ROM.CC26X2;
else if (Program.cpu.deviceName.match(/CC13X2/)) {
ROM.romName = ROM.CC13X2;
The TI-RTOS kernel in ROM is optimized for performance. If additional instrumentation is required in your application (typically for debugging), you must include the TI-RTOS kernel in flash which will increase flash memory consumption. Shown below is a short list of requirements to use the TI-RTOS kernel in ROM.
must be set tofalse
must be set tofalse
must be set totrue
must be set totrue
must be set totrue
BIOS must use the
must be set toClock.TickSource_TIMER
must befalse
Swi, Task, and Hwi hooks are not permitted
Swi, Task, and Hwi name instances are not permitted
Task stack checking is disabled
must be set to0x20
must be set to true
For additional documentation in regards to the list described above, see the TI-RTOS Kernel (SYS/BIOS) User’s Guide.
Creating vs. Constructing¶
Most TI-RTOS modules commonly have _create()
and _construct()
APIs to
initialize primitive instances. The main runtime differences between the
two APIs are memory allocation and error handling.
Create APIs perform a memory allocation from the default TI-RTOS heap before initialization. As a result, the application must check the return value for a valid handle before continuing.
1Semaphore_Handle sem;
2Semaphore_Params semParams;
5sem = Semaphore_create(0, &semParams, NULL); /* Memory allocated in here */
7if (sem == NULL) /* Check if the handle is valid */
9 System_abort("Semaphore could not be created");
Construct APIs are given a data structure with which to store the instance’s variables. As the memory has been pre-allocated for the instance, error checking may not be required after constructing.
1Semaphore_Handle sem;
2Semaphore_Params semParams;
3Semaphore_Struct structSem; /* Memory allocated at build time */
6Semaphore_construct(&structSem, 0, &semParams);
8/* It's optional to store the handle */
9sem = Semaphore_handle(&structSem);