Using FreeRTOS with IAR

The BLE5 Quickstart guide has step-by-step instructions for building FREERTOS BLE5 Projects with IAR. The instructions for building BLE5 projects with IAR is identical with the exception of

Refer to the BLE5 Quickstart guide for a step-by-step guide on the steps needed to build BLE5 Projects with IAR. Once these steps are followed, the user still needs to give IAR the location of the FREERTOS_INSTALL_DIR

All power-managment functionality is handled by the TI power driver and are used by the peripheral drivers (e.g. UART, SPI, I2C, etc..). Applications can prevent, if they choose, the CC13xx or CC26xx from entering low power modes by setting a power constraint.

More information on power-management functionality, see Power Management User’s Guide. These APIs are required only when using a custom driver.

With BLE5-Stack applications, the power contraint is set in main() by defining the POWER_SAVINGS preprocessor symbol. When defined, enabled, the device enters and exits sleep as required for BLE5-Stack events, peripheral events, application timers, and so forth. When undefined, the device stays awake.

Also see Measuring Bluetooth Smart Power Consumption for steps to analyze the system power consumption and battery life.