Running Software Examples on CC2672X3

Porting Software Examples for CC2672X3

The CC2672R3 is a SimpleLink™ Multiprotocol 2.4 GHz Wireless MCU with support for Sub-1 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 MAC. It is pin compatible with the CC1352R device. You can run any CC1352R LaunchPad 2.4 GHz software example or binary image on the CC2672R3 device without making any changes.


The also applies to the CC2672P3 in relation to CC1352P device and CC1352P-2 LaunchPad projects

Choosing LaunchPad for Development

All CC1352P LaunchPads can be used for software development for the CC2672P3 device. However, the LaunchPads have been designed with different use-cases in mind.

Moving From LaunchPad to Custom Board

You can find instructions on how to design and configure a custom board in the Custom Hardware chapter.