TI Log Tool User's Guide

Table of Contents


This subfolder contains the host-side logger tooling, used to capture and interpret log messages and send them to Wireshark to be displayed. If you would just like to view arbitrary packets in an ITM stream, see the section at the end of this document.

Please note there is no support for Linux in this version of the logging tool.

Quick Start Guide

Install Python (3.8.10) from python.org and Wireshark from wireshark.org.

There are three steps to displaying logs: installing the Python modules using the setup script, configuring Wireshark to display the logs correctly, and running the tools.

Install tilogger command line tool

These modules can be installed in a local “virtualenv” so that the global Python install is not affected, or it can simply be installed to the global Python library.

Note: If you have several versions of Python installed, it is important that the tilogger is run with the correct version (3.8). On Windows, this can be controlled via the py launcher. To see a list of installed versions, run py -0p. The instructions below will assume there are multiple versions available, but will also work if only 3.8 is available.

Create and activate a venv (optional)

# Create a virtualenv (local copy of python + packages)
$ py -3.8 -m venv .venv
# Activate virtualenv.
$ .\.venv\Scripts\activate.ps1 (or .bat)

When you install to a virtualenv you must activate it again each time you open a new command line terminal window.

Installing the tilogger command line interface tool

If you are behind a proxy, you need to either have this configured in the global environment variables http_proxy and https_proxy (and no_proxy), or you can add --proxy yourproxy.com after install in the pip calls below.

Installing the tilogger tool in the virtual environment

If you are using a virtual environment as created above, the py launcher should not be used to install tilogger. Use instead the following command

# Install the tilogger tool in the virtual environment created above
$ python3 -m pip install [--proxy yourproxy.com] -r requirements.txt

Installing the tilogger tool globally

If you wish to install the tilogger tool globally, use the following command

# Install the tilogger tool in the virtual environment created above (optional)
$ py -3.8 -m pip install [--proxy yourproxy.com] -r requirements.txt

If you install globally, python must be available on PATH for these scripts to work, and the Scripts folder for the Python version you use to install must also be on the PATH.

After installing you can use the tilogger command. Try it!

Configure Wireshark

Copy streams/wireshark/tilog_dissector.lua to [Wireshark install dir]/plugins/x.y/tilogger_dissector.lua. This will teach Wireshark to understand the TI Logger’s packet format. Warning: If you have previously used an older version of the TI logger tool, make sure to remove the previous dissector.lua containing the old TI Logger from Wireshark.

To automatically start wireshark when starting the logger, supply --start to the wireshark command.

This has been tested with Wireshark 3.4.x, but should work with later versions as well.

Using the tilogger command line interface tool

The most up to date documentation is available by running tilogger --help to see what the available options and commands are, and by running tilogger <command> --help to get help about the command - for example tilogger itm --help.

$ tilogger --help
Usage: tilogger [OPTIONS] COMMAND1 [ARGS]... [COMMAND2 [ARGS]...]...

  Parse LogSinkITM and LogSinkUART log output.

  This tool may be used to instantiate a serial port parser for the ITM
    and UART Log Sinks. The tool receives logs generated with the Log.h API and
    reconstructs and displays the log output by using the encoded metadata in the
    toolchain-generated ELF output.

  A simple invocation (provided Wireshark is installed) is

    tilogger --elf path/to/elf.out itm COM3 12000000 wireshark --start

  --elf PATH            Symbol file path (elf/out file) shared by all input
                        parsers  [default: ]

  --install-completion  Install completion for the current shell.
  --show-completion     Show completion for the current shell, to copy it or
                        customize the installation.

  --help                Show this message and exit.

  itm        Add ITM transport as input to log.
  uart       Add UART transport as input to log.
  wireshark  Add Wireshark to log outputs.

You can provide ELF files containing Log-string information either globally (to all transports you add) if you have just one device or if the devices run the same firmware, and you can provide the ELF files to each transport individually.


ITM transport help

$ tilogger itm --help
Usage: tilogger itm [OPTIONS] PORT BAUDRATE

  Add ITM transport as input to log.

  You need to specify a serial port and a baudrate (ITM driver module
  configures this). The baudrate is often quite high, such as 12000000

  You also need to specify .out/.elf files that contain symbol information
  needed to parse the log, but this may also be provided globally before
  adding transports.

  PORT      Serial port (eg COM12)  [required]
  BAUDRATE  TPIU baudrate  [required]

  --elf PATH    Symbol file path (elf/out file)  [default: ]
  --alias TEXT  Alias for this device in the log
  --help        Show this message and exit.

UART transport help

$ tilogger uart --help
Usage: tilogger uart [OPTIONS] PORT BAUDRATE

  Add UART transport as input to log.

  You need to specify a serial port and a baudrate (UART LogSink module
  configures this). The baudrate is often quite high, such as 3000000
  (3 MHz).

  You also need to specify .out/.elf files that contain symbol information
  needed to parse the log, but this may also be provided globally before
  adding transports.

  PORT      Serial port (eg COM11)  [required]
  BAUDRATE  UART baudrate  [required]

  --elf PATH    Symbol file path (elf/out file)  [default: ]
  --alias TEXT  Alias for this device in the log
  --help        Show this message and exit.

Wireshark output help

$ tilogger wireshark --help
Usage: tilogger wireshark [OPTIONS]

  Add Wireshark to log outputs.

  If you don\'t want to start wireshark via this tool you must configure it

  Open Capture -> Options -> Manage Interfaces -> Pipes -> +, then type in
  `\\.\pipe\tilogger-wireshark` or your own choice of pipe name.

  Add protocol parsing via  Edit -> Preferences -> Protocols -> DLT_USER ->
  Edit..., then add new row for DLT=147 and use `tilogger` as payload

  -s, --start  [default: False]
  --pipe TEXT  [default: \\.\pipe\tilogger-wireshark]
  --help       Show this message and exit.

Extracting some Logs

The tools must be started in sequence:

Start wireshark via tilogger wireshark --start, which adds columns to the default view for Filename, Line-number, Level, Module and Format string. To modify these or add new columns, right click the column headers and choose Column Preferences. Note that the field type should be ‘Custom’.

Note: The above can be achieved with one single command: > tilogger itm --elf [out_file] [COM_PORT] 12000000 wireshark --start

If all goes well, your logs should begin to appear in the Wireshark window.

User format modules

User format modules are functional in this beta, but there are no examples provided. You will need to create a Python package with a class that inherits from one of the ABCs in tilogger.interface. Your package must register an entry point (this is documented in the interface classes). If placed in a subfolder of modules/, it will be installed into the virtual environment automatically when you call one of the setup scripts.

Viewing RAW ITM Streams

The tilogger_itm_transport package also provides a raw ITM viewer, which can for example support the use of TI’s ITM driver directly. Follow the setup guidelines above to create an environment and install the ITM package. You can ignore any instructions for Wireshark.

The command line for the ITM viewer is > tilogger_itm_viewer [COM PORT] [BAUDRATE]. Example: > tilogger_itm_viewer COM5 115200