How to apply a git patch#

This section describes how to apply a git patch.

How to apply a git patch to the MCU+ SDK#

This is the process I use when the MCU+ SDK is installed on a Linux PC. A similar process should work on a windows computer, using a git bash terminal.

After opening up a terminal window:

$ cd location/of/mcu+/sdk
$ git status
// git status tells me that no git repo has been created yet

// initialize a git repo
$ git init

// create the initial commit by adding everything in the SDK
// this works best with a new, unmodified SDK installation

$ git add .
$ git commit
// in my build, this opened a text file that was named
// .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG in the Vim text editor.
// if using Vim:
// type i to enter "insert" mode
// type the commit message in the first line (e.g., "Initial commit")
// press the ESC button to exit "insert" mode
// type
// :wq
// in order to write and quit

// check the git log to see the initial commit
$ git log --oneline

// check the current branches
$ git branch
* master
// the master branch is the only branch

// create a new feature branch to do development work
// this way you can always go back to the master branch
// for a clean, unmodified version of the MCU+ SDK
$ git branch featureBranchName
$ git checkout featureBranchName
$ git branch
* featureBranchName

// the * tells us which branch we are currently using

// apply the patch file

// copy the patch file into the MCU+ SDK
// now we can apply the patch
$ git apply patchFileName

Now I can build the MCU+ project:

$ make -s -C examples/drivers/ipc/ipc_rpmsg_echo_linux/am64x-evm/r5fss0-0_freertos/ti-arm-clang all

Other potentially useful resources for working with git patches#

TDA guidelines for PDK with TI_RTOS (Note that PDK with TI_RTOS is a different, older SDK than MCU+ SDK with FreeRTOS)

Using version control within CCS