SPI Data Capture Users Guide

Table of Contents

Overview of SPI Data Capture

This fundamentals demo user guide will walk through the necessary steps needed in order to capture xWRL6432 radar output data via the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) synchronous serial communication protocol. Traditionally radar output has been sent over UART, but this has several limitations with the most impactful being a maximum transfer speed too low to support raw data transfer. With this demo you can transfer processed data and now raw ADC data as well without the use of a DCA1000 via SPI.


⚠️ Run Motion and Presence Demo
Before continuing with this fundamentals demo, users should first run the out of box also known as the Motion and Presence demo for the EVM. This will enable users to gain familiarity with the sensor’s capabilities as well as the various tools and terminology used across examples found in the Radar Toolbox.

Software Requirements

Tool Version Download Link
Code Composer Studio (CCS) Latest Download Code Composer Studio
Python 3.8+ Download Python 3.8+

Hardware Requirements

Tool Description Related Link
TI Low Power mmWave Sensor IWRL6432BOOST
(xWRL6432BOOST) FTDI Cable xWRL6432AOPEVM has a built in FTDI chip while the xWRL6432BOOST does not. For this user guide we will reference the cable linked here as a secondary option to a FTDI chip. Example FTDI Cable
(Optional) Logic Analyzer For those who want to do SPI transfer via Logic Analyzer rather than a FTDI chip/cable Example Logic Analyzer

Prepare for SPI based Data Capture

Requirements in Configuration file

FTDI Chip Data Capture

The xWRL6432AOPEVM has an FTDI chip built into it. The xWRL6432BOOST does not have an FTDI chip and will require separate hardware to do FTDI transfer. For this users guide, we will be referencing the C232HM FTDI cable when discussing FTDI capture with xWRL6432BOOST.

Data format in FTDI Chip Capture

Logic Analyzer Data Capture

Data format in Logic Analyzer Capture

Parsing Data Text File

Raw Data

Within the MMWAVE-L-SDK, the path <MMWAVE_SDK5_INSTALL_DIR>/tools/ADC_parser includes MATLAB based parsing and post processing scripts for interpreting raw ADC data acquired through SPI.

1D (Radar Cube) and 2D (Detection Matrix) FFTs

There are no MATLAB parsing scripts provided for doing the processing on the .txt files for Radar Cube or Detection Matrix. However the raw data MATLAB script can be used as a starting point and changed to support the respective formats found below.

Format Name Declaration Content
DPIF_RADARCUBE_FORMAT_6 cmplx16ImRe_t x[numChirps][numTxAnt][numRxAnt][numRangeBins] 1D Range FFT output
DPC_DPU_DPIF_DETMATRIX_FORMAT_2 uint16_t x[numRangeBins][azimuthFFTsize] Range-Azimuth Detection Matrix

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