SimpleLink Audio Plugin Release Notes

Table of Contents


The SimpleLink Audio Plugin is a software package enables audio application development across capable devices within the SimpleLink family.

The SimpleLink Audio Plugin consists of the following common components:

The SimpleLink Audio Plugin also supports protocol stack examples using audio. See the various readmes in the examples/ folder for example features.

This is version of the SimpleLink Audio Plugin.


Please refer to the Documentation Overview for in-depth documentation on the SimpleLink Audio Plugin.

Upgrade and Compatibility Information

Upgrading from the previous version of the SDK plugin is as easy as installing the new instance of the plugin.

Operating System Support


The dependenceies below represent the TI tested configurations of the SimpleLink Audio Plugin. Newer versions of the device SDKs may work without issue, but have not yet been verified.

This release is dependent on the following device SDKs:

The plugin was tested against the following tool chains:

Device Support

Development Board Support

The following LaunchPads are supported:

The following BoosterPacks are supported:

New Features

ID Summary
SL_AUDIO-35 Use I2C_transferTimeout instead of I2C_transfer to avoid deadlock of the device
SL_AUDIO-23 Create BLE-Stack based Audio example
SL_AUDIO-19 Create AudioHAL for codec implementation
SL_AUDIO-17 Implement MAKE Build system
SL_AUDIO-15 Create a WiFi Audio example
SL_AUDIO-14 Create a Sub-1GHz Audio example
SL_AUDIO-7 Make I2C communication optional with AudioHALCodec
SL_AUDIO-3 Add support for BLE audio examples on CC13xx devices, CC2642RB

Fixed Issues

ID Summary
SL_AUDIO-38 BLE example doesn't optimize connection intervals, data lengths
SL_AUDIO-37 Cleanup/fix KW findings
SL_AUDIO-36 [CC2640R2] The function I2C_transferTimeout is not defined fr CC2640R2 and prevent compilation
SL_AUDIO-32 Remove I2S driver copy from audio plugin
SL_AUDIO-31 Packetizer doesn't produce sound when using MSBC
SL_AUDIO-29 bitStream and encLen are not set correctly when using packetizer with ADPCM
SL_AUDIO-26 AudioHALCodec doesn't allow preloading of buffers before stream start
SL_AUDIO-13 MCLKCC26xx cannot be closed and reopened many times
SL_AUDIO-12 AudioHAL will crash when set to INPUT only
SL_AUDIO-6 Fix errors in audio API doxygen
SL_AUDIO-4 Buffers are not “zeroed”out when they have been transmitted multiple times

Known Issues and Limitations

SysConfig and FreeRTOS are not supported in this release.

ID Summary
SL_AUDIO-43 Packetizer encode, decode are not re-entrant
SL_AUDIO-41 WifiAudio will trigger an exception when using Opus

Since the AudioHAL component depends on TI-DRIVERS, it is recommended to also look at the coreSDK release notes to see potential issues with related drivers such as I2S, PDM, or I2C.

Warning: The links above will always point to the latest CoreSDK release notes if using an older version, please use the TI Resource Explorer package manager to select the correct version. See TI-REX. Select stack in top right corner –> package manager.

Furthermore, since some of the audio applications in the examples/ folder are based on the protocol stacks (e.g. BLE5-Stack), the protocol stack release notes should also be consulted.

Note: Due to a known issue in the CC32xx I2S driver, a patched version is included here in the plugin. This patched version is included to fix TIDRIVERS-3954. When this issue is resolved in the CC32xx SDK, the patched driver will be removed from the plugin. By default, the examples provided within the plugin already use the patched driver.

Alpha notice: All functionality related to PDM (e.g. examples, scripts, driver) should be considered alpha.


This product’s version follows a version format,, where M is a single digit Major number, mm is 2 digit minor number, pp is a 2 digit patch number, and bb is an unrestricted set of digits used as an incrementing build counter.

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