BLE5-Stack 1.01.00 to BLE5-Stack 1.01.02

This section will describe a way to migrate a project from BLE5-Stack 1.01.00 to a BLE5-Stack 1.01.02 project.

For this migration guide, simple_peripheral from BLE5-Stack 1.01.00 will be ported over to BLE5-Stack 1.01.02. Because the directory structure is nearly identical between the two releases, the recommended approach is to start with a BLE5-Stack 1.01.02 project that contains the same base functionality as the porting target project and merge in any custom functionality.

  1. Choose a BLE5-Stack 1.01.02 example project that contains your target project’s base functionality.

    For reference, see available sample projects that start with simple_

    In this example, we’re going to use simple_peripheral as the starting BLE5-Stack 1.01.02 sample project.

  2. Transfer all modified application files from BLE5-Stack 1.01.00 into the BLE5-Stack 1.01.02 example project.

    In this example, the following files from BLE5-Stack 1.01.00 were moved into simple_peripheral BLE5-Stack 1.01.02 example:

    • simple_peripheral.c
    • simple_peripheral.h
    • simple_gatt_profile.c
    • simple_gatt_profile.h
  3. Modify main.c in the BLE5-Stack 1.01.02 example if additional tasks were added in the BLE5-Stack 1.01.00 project.

  4. Note that address mode and random address are now set from GAP_DeviceInit

    The GAP_DeviceInit() function now includes parameters for setting the address mode and for setting a pointer to a random address when that mode is used.

     * GAP Device Initialization
     * Setup the device. Can only be called once per reset. In order to change
     * the address mode / random address, it is necessary to reset the device
     * and call this API again. In the case where the address mode or random address
     * is different than it was for the last initialization, all bonds and local
     * information stored in NV will be erased.
     * @par Corresponding Events:
     * @ref GAP_DEVICE_INIT_DONE_EVENT of type @ref gapDeviceInitDoneEvent_t
     * @param profileRole GAP Profile Roles: @ref GAP_Profile_Roles
     * @param taskID end application task to receive unprocessed GAP events.
     * @param addrMode Own address mode. If always using Resolvable Private Address,
     *        set this to either @ref ADDRMODE_RP_WITH_PUBLIC_ID or
     *        @ref ADDRMODE_RP_WITH_RANDOM_ID. If always using Identity
     *        Address, set this to either @ref ADDRMODE_PUBLIC or
     *        @ref ADDRMODE_RANDOM.
     * @param pRandomAddr Pointer to 6-byte Random Static Address of this device
     *        that will be copied to the stack. Valid only if addrMode
     *        is @ref ADDRMODE_RANDOM or @ref ADDRMODE_RP_WITH_RANDOM_ID and can
     *        not be NULL in these cases. Ignored for other address types.
     * @return @ref SUCCESS : initialization started
     * @return @ref INVALIDPARAMETER : invalid profile role, role combination,
     *         or invalid Random Static Address,
     * @return @ref bleIncorrectMode : initialization has already occurred
     * @return @ref bleInternalError : error erasing NV
    extern bStatus_t GAP_DeviceInit(uint8_t profileRole, uint8_t taskID,
                                    GAP_Addr_Modes_t addrMode,
                                    uint8_t* pRandomAddr);

    Any calls to GAP_DeviceInit() should be modified to pass a parameter addrMode of type GAP_Addr_Modes_t.

    // Address mode of the local device
    #define DEFAULT_ADDRESS_MODE                  ADDRMODE_PUBLIC
    // Address mode
    static GAP_Addr_Modes_t addrMode = DEFAULT_ADDRESS_MODE;
    //Initialize GAP layer for Peripheral role and register to receive GAP events
    GAP_DeviceInit(GAP_PROFILE_PERIPHERAL, selfEntity, addrMode, NULL);

    Additionally, remove all code using GAP_ConfigDeviceAddr() because the address mode and random address are now only able to be set from GAP_DeviceInit(). GAP_DeviceInit() can only be called once after a reset, so any functions related to change the address mode on the fly should be removed.

  5. Removal of HCI Extension notice commands:

    The following HCI Extension commands have been removed:
    • HCI_EXT_ConnEventNoticeCmd()
    • HCI_EXT_AdvEventNoticeCmd()
    • HCI_EXT_ScanEventNoticeCmd()
    • HCI_EXT_ScanReqRptCmd()

    Any calls to these commands should be removed as well as references to events related to these commands.

    For HCI_EXT_ConnEventNoticeCmd(), Gap_RegisterConnEventCb is now provided as an option instead as a way to handle connection events.

  6. If necessary, update the project to use the newer TI-RTOS drivers that are supplied with the SimpleLink CC2640R2 SDK.

    The following drivers have changed from BLE5-Stack 1.01.00. Please see the changes to these drivers by comparing the supplied headers between them in simplelink_cc2640r2_sdk_1_50_00_71 and those in the SimpleLink CC2640R2 SDK.

    • LCD: Driver is found in source/ti/display/lcd instead of previous ti/mw/lcd/
  7. Refer to the Upgrade and Compatibility Information for additional information and the TI-RTOS examples included with SimpleLink CC2640R2 SDK.

    For additional information on how BLE5-Stack 1.01.02 uses TI-RTOS see TI-RTOS (RTOS Kernel) Overview

    For any utilized TI Drivers, review TI-RTOS Kernel Users Guide and Driver APIs.