Radio Control Layer (RCL)
Command Life Cycle

A command is an object that includes among other things the payload and the protocol specific information about the operation that the radio must execute. Its life cycle consists of three stages from the moment that it is scheduled to the moment that it is executed.

  1. Scheduled: Prior to being scheduled, the command is initialized. Once it is scheduled, it remains in this state until it becomes active.
  2. Active:
    • If it's the first command after opening the RCL component or changing PHYs, run a configuration step to load the appropriate LRF image and PHY settings to the radio.
    • Enter into a self-contained FSM that takes care of the command parameters, the payload, and the interrupt handling during the execution of the command.
    • Return once the command has executed and invoke the appropriate callback (if any).

The following diagram shows an example of the life cycle of a BLE command.