Photodiode interfacing with TIA tool (Update: Added new panel for integrated TIAs)
Updated On: 2025-02-03 07:14 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v13.1.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

Photodiode interfacing with TIA tool (Update: Resolved the negative Vout issue)
Updated On: 2025-02-12 14:30 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v13.1.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.

Added output swing suggestion, changed the algo for suggesting opamp (removed V+,V- constraints).
Updated On: 2024-05-31 06:54 UTC
Select the platform to download
This software requires GUI Composer runtime v12.0.0. You can download it during the installation of this software.
Alternatively, you can get the runtime here.