Z-Stack API Reference
_zstack_sysconfigreadreq_t Struct Reference

#include <zstack.h>

Data Fields

bool preConfigKeyEnable
bool securityModeEnable
bool useDefaultTCLK
bool disabledPollRate
bool pollRate
bool apsAckWaitDuration
bool bindingTime
bool panID
bool maxMissingMacAckLinkFailure
bool indirectMsgTimeout
bool apsFrameRetries
bool bcastRetries
bool passiveAckTimeout
bool bcastDeliveryTime
bool routeExpiryTime
bool userDesc
bool preConfigKey
bool chanList
bool multicastRadius
bool extendedPANID
bool ieeeAddr
bool macRxOnIdle
bool snifferFeature
bool concentratorEnable
bool concentratorDiscTime
bool nwkUseMultiCast
bool devPartOfNetwork

Detailed Description

Structure to send a system config read request. Set to "true" each of the fields that you would like returned in the response zstack_sysConfigReadRsp_t structure.

Field Documentation

§ apsAckWaitDuration

bool apsAckWaitDuration

True to return APS Ack Waite Duration

§ apsFrameRetries

bool apsFrameRetries

True to return APS Frame Retries

§ bcastDeliveryTime

bool bcastDeliveryTime

True to return Broadcast Delivery Time

§ bcastRetries

bool bcastRetries

True to return Broadcast Retries

§ bindingTime

bool bindingTime

True to return Binding Time

§ chanList

bool chanList

True to return Channel List (bit masked)

§ concentratorDiscTime

bool concentratorDiscTime

True to return the Concentrator Discovery Time parameter

§ concentratorEnable

bool concentratorEnable

True to return the Concentrator Enable parameter

§ devPartOfNetwork

bool devPartOfNetwork

True to return if the device is already part of a network

§ disabledPollRate

bool disabledPollRate

True to return if the poll rate is disabled or not

§ extendedPANID

bool extendedPANID

True to return the extended PAN ID (APS USE)

§ ieeeAddr

bool ieeeAddr

True to return the IEEE extended address

§ indirectMsgTimeout

bool indirectMsgTimeout

True to return Indirect Message Timeout

§ macRxOnIdle

bool macRxOnIdle

True to return the MAC's RxOnIdle parameter

§ maxMissingMacAckLinkFailure

bool maxMissingMacAckLinkFailure

True to return zgMaxMissingMacAckLinkFailure

§ multicastRadius

bool multicastRadius

True to return the Multicast radius

§ nwkUseMultiCast

bool nwkUseMultiCast

True to return the Network Multicast Use parameter

§ panID

bool panID

True to return PAN ID

§ passiveAckTimeout

bool passiveAckTimeout

True to return Passive Ack Timeout

§ pollRate

bool pollRate

True to return Poll Rate

§ preConfigKey

bool preConfigKey

True to return PreConfig Key (16 bytes)

§ preConfigKeyEnable

bool preConfigKeyEnable

True to return Pre Config Key Enable

§ routeExpiryTime

bool routeExpiryTime

True to return Route Expiry Time

§ securityModeEnable

bool securityModeEnable

True to return Security Mode Enable (nwk)

§ snifferFeature

bool snifferFeature

True to return the Sniffer Feature active parameter

§ useDefaultTCLK

bool useDefaultTCLK

True to return default TCLK flag

§ userDesc

bool userDesc

True to return User Descriptor (16 bytes max)

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