Z-Stack 3.0.x to Z-Stack 3.1.0

This section will describe a way to migrate a project from Z-Stack 3.0.x to a Z-Stack 3.1.0 project.

For this guide, SampleLight from Z-Stack 3.0.x will be ported over to Z-Stack 3.1.0. The two releases are vastly divergent due to differences in both device and RTOS support, as is covered in CC253x to CC13x2 or CC26x2. The recommended approach is to start with a Z-Stack 3.1.0 project that contains the same base application as the porting target project and merge any custom functionality

  1. Choose a Z-Stack 3.1.0 example project that contains your target project’s base functionality. For reference and use in this example, zc_light from C:\ti\simplelink_zigbee_sdk_plugin_2_20_00_06\examples\rtos\CC13x2 or CC26x2_LAUNCHXL\zstack is chosen as a starting point.

  2. No changes are required for the Z-Stack 3.1.0 zcl_samplelight_data.c file unless clusters, attributes, or simple descriptors were added or altered in the Z-Stack 3.0.x project.

  3. In zcl_samplelight.h, bdb_tlCommissioning.h has been renamed bdb_tl_commissioning.h and

    *  Application task entry point for the ZStack Sample Light Application
    extern void zclSampleLight_task(NVINTF_nvFuncts_t *pfnNV);

    is used in place of

    * Initialization for the task
    extern void zclSampleLight_Init( byte task_id );
    *  Event Process for the task
    extern UINT16 zclSampleLight_event_loop( byte task_id, UINT16 events );
  4. Do not copy the Z-Stack 3.0.x OSAL_SampleLight.c file and only make changes to the following lines of the 3.1.0 main.c

    #include "zcl_samplelight.h"
    /* Kick off application */

    if the task name has been changed inside of zcl_samplelight.c

The following items specifically concern zcl_samplelight.c:

  1. Note the following changes due to the TI-RTOS implementation:

    • ICALL framework used to dispatch messages between Z-Stack and the application
    • Semaphores used to post and pend during event callbacks
    • Timer handling, i.e
    Timer_setTimeout( LevelControlClkHandle, 100 );

    versus osal_start_timerEx( zclSampleLight_TaskID, SAMPLELIGHT_LEVEL_CTRL_EVT, 100 );. Due to this and the reasons further provided below, all related code from Z-Stack 3.0.x should not be transferred to the Z-Stack 3.1.0 project.

  2. Key events are now handled locally in zclSampleLight_processKey instead of UI_MainStateMachine from zcl_sampleapps_ui.c. A UART interface is preferred over LCD.

  3. main.c calls the zclSampleLight_task function

    void zclSampleLight_task(NVINTF_nvFuncts_t *pfnNV)
              // Save and register the function pointers to the NV drivers
              pfnZdlNV = pfnNV;
              zclport_registerNV(pfnZdlNV, ZCL_PORT_SCENE_TABLE_NV_ID);
              // Initialize application
              // No return from task process

    to initialize the application

    static void zclSampleLight_initialization(void)
                /* Initialize user clocks */
                /* Initialize keys */
                /* Initialize the LEDS */
                // Register the current thread as an ICall dispatcher application
                // so that the application can send and receive messages.
                ICall_registerApp(&zclSampleLight_Entity, &sem);
                //Initialize stack

    which in-turn initializes the clocks, keys, LEDs, and ICall dispatcher before initializing the stack. This is compared with Z-Stack 3.0.x where all of the above was accomplished in main and zclSampleLight_Init.

  4. zclSampleLight_Init registers endpoints using

    //Register Endpoint
    zclSampleLightEpDesc.endPoint = SAMPLELIGHT_ENDPOINT;
    zclSampleLightEpDesc.simpleDesc = &zclSampleLight_SimpleDesc;
    zclport_registerEndpoint(zclSampleLight_Entity, &zclSampleLightEpDesc);

    instead of

    // Register the Simple Descriptor for this application
    bdb_RegisterSimpleDescriptor( &zclSampleLight_SimpleDesc );

    and registers applications with

    // Register the Application to receive the unprocessed Foundation command/response messages

    as compared to

    // Register the Application to receive the unprocessed Foundation command/response messages
    zcl_registerForMsg( zclSampleLight_TaskID );

    Furthermore, bdb initialization parameters and ZDO callbacks are set up outside of UI_Init

    //Write the bdb initialization parameters
    //Setup ZDO callbacks
  5. Green Power is further expanded for endpoints, Application Events and Z-Stack messages:

    • gp_endpointInit(zclSampleLight_Entity); and app_Green_Power_Init inside zclSampleLight_Init

    • In zclSampleLight_process_loop

             if(events & SAMPLEAPP_PROCESS_GP_DATA_SEND_EVT)
                 events &= ~SAMPLEAPP_PROCESS_GP_DATA_SEND_EVT;
    • In zclSampleLight_processZStackMsgs:

       case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_GP_DATA_IND:
           zstackmsg_gpDataInd_t *pInd;
           pInd = (zstackmsg_gpDataInd_t*)pMsg;
           gp_processDataIndMsg( &(pInd->Req) );
       case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_GP_SECURITY_REQ:
           zstackmsg_gpSecReq_t *pInd;
           pInd = (zstackmsg_gpSecReq_t*)pMsg;
           gp_processSecRecMsg( &(pInd->Req) );
       case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_GP_CHECK_ANNCE:
           zstackmsg_gpCheckAnnounce_t *pInd;
           pInd = (zstackmsg_gpCheckAnnounce_t*)pMsg;
           gp_processCheckAnnceMsg( &(pInd->Req) );
  6. zclSampleLight_process_loop is used in place of zclSampleLight_event_loop and uses ICall to receive messages instead of SYS_EVENT_MSG events and osal_msg_receive

    ICall_ServiceEnum stackid;
    ICall_EntityID dest;
    zstackmsg_genericReq_t *pMsg = NULL;
    /* Wait for response message */
        /* Retrieve the response message */
        if(ICall_fetchServiceMsg(&stackid, &dest, (void **)&pMsg)
           == ICALL_ERRNO_SUCCESS)
            if( (stackid == ICALL_SERVICE_CLASS_ZSTACK)
                && (dest == zclSampleLight_Entity) )
                    // Free any separately allocated memory
  7. zclSampleLight_processZStackMsgs and zclSampleLight_processAfIncomingMsgInd is used in place of zclSampleLight_ProcessIncomingMsg

    • In zclSampleLight_processZStackMsgs:

          //**OTHER CASES NOT SHOWN**
          case zstackmsg_CmdIDs_AF_INCOMING_MSG_IND:
              // Process incoming data messages
              zstackmsg_afIncomingMsgInd_t *pInd;
              pInd = (zstackmsg_afIncomingMsgInd_t *)pMsg;
              zclSampleLight_processAfIncomingMsgInd( &(pInd->req) );
  8. Different APIs are used for BDB. For example, the BDB_COMMISSIONING_FORMATION case inside of zclSampleLight_ProcessCommissioningStatus is handled using

    zstack_bdbStartCommissioningReq_t zstack_bdbStartCommissioningReq;
    //After formation, perform nwk steering again plus the remaining commissioning modes that has not been process yet
    zstack_bdbStartCommissioningReq.commissioning_mode = BDB_COMMISSIONING_MODE_NWK_STEERING | bdbCommissioningModeMsg->bdbRemainingCommissioningModes;

    when it was previously

    //After formation, perform nwk steering again plus the remaining commissioning modes that has not been process yet
    bdb_StartCommissioning(BDB_COMMISSIONING_MODE_NWK_STEERING | bdbCommissioningModeMsg->bdbRemainingCommissioningModes);
  9. Structure type zclIncomingMsg_t has been renamed zclIncoming_t

  10. Add any other Z-Stack 3.0.x application changes to the Z-Stack 3.1.0 file if not pertaining to the items listed above


Difference comparison software is recommended for discerning all differences between software stacks.