Z-Stack 3.2.0 to Z-Stack 3.3.0

This section will describe a way to migrate a project from Z-Stack 3.2.0 to a Z-Stack 3.3.0 project.

For this guide, samplelight from Z-Stack 3.2.0 will be ported over to Z-Stack 3.3.0. The two releases have major differences mostly pertaining to:

  • Bug fixes listed in the Z-Stack Release Notes
  • Merging of the CC13X2 and CC26X2 SDKs
  • ICall deprecation and replacement with OSALPort
  • Re-organization of the directory structure

The recommended approach is to start with a Z-Stack 3.3.0 project that contains the same base application as the porting target project and merge any custom functionality

  1. Choose a Z-Stack 3.3.0 example project that contains your target project’s base functionality. For reference and use in this example, zc_light from C:\ti\simplelink_cc13x2_26x2_sdk_x_xx_xx_xx\examples\rtos\CC13x2 or CC26x2_LAUNCHXL\zstack is chosen as a starting point.
  2. No changes are required for the Z-Stack 3.3.0 zcl_samplelight_data.c or zcl_samplelight.h files unless clusters, attributes, or simple descriptors were added or altered in the Z-Stack 3.2.0 project. However, please note that ZCL_CLUSTER_ID_GEN_BASIC and ZCL_CLUSTER_ID_GEN_SCENES attribute records have been added whereas ZCL_CLUSTER_ID_HA_DIAGNOSTIC has been removed. Some global functions for attribute updates which can be accessed by the application have also been added.

The following items specifically concern zcl_samplelight.c:

  1. All ICall local variables have been replaced with

    // Semaphore used to post events to the application thread
    static Semaphore_Handle appSemHandle;
    static Semaphore_Struct appSem;
    /* App service ID used for messaging with stack service task */
    static uint8_t  appServiceTaskId;
    /* App service task events, set by the stack service task when sending a message */
    static uint32_t appServiceTaskEvents;

    The following have been redefined:

    • appServiceTaskID replaces zclSampleLight_Entity
    • appServiceTaskEvents replaces events
    • appSemHandle replaces sem
  2. Local functions have been added and will be discussed by the points below.

    static void zclSampleLight_RemoveAppNvmData(void);
            static uint8 zclSampleLight_SceneStoreCB(zclSceneReq_t *pReq);
            static void  zclSampleLight_SceneRecallCB(zclSceneReq_t *pReq);
            ZStatus_t zclSampleLight_ReadWriteAttrCB( uint16 clusterId, uint16 attrId, uint8 oper,
                                                      uint8 *pValue, uint16 *pLen );

#. zclSampleLight_task is replaced with the generic sampleApp_task. Changes to main.c of the Application → Startup folder must also be applied.

  1. ICall_registerApp(&zclSampleLight_Entity, &sem); has been removed from zclSampleLight_initialization(void) and the following OSALPort registration code is now included:

    Semaphore_Params semParam;
    semParam.mode = ti_sysbios_knl_Semaphore_Mode_BINARY;
    Semaphore_construct(&appSem, 0, &semParam);
    appSemHandle = Semaphore_handle(&appSem);
    appServiceTaskId = OsalPort_registerTask(Task_self(), appSemHandle, &appServiceTaskEvents);
  2. zclSampleLight_RemoveAppNvmData(); is added to the if(key == KEY_RIGHT) statement of static void zclSampleLight_initialization(void) and is declared as follows:

         * @fn          zclSampleLight_RemoveAppNvmData
         * @brief       Callback when Application performs reset to Factory New Reset.
         *              Application must restore the application to default values
         * @param       none
         * @return      none
        static void zclSampleLight_RemoveAppNvmData(void)
        #ifdef ZCL_GROUPS
            uint8 numGroups;
            uint16 groupList[APS_MAX_GROUPS];
            uint8 i;
            if ( numGroups = aps_FindAllGroupsForEndpoint( SAMPLELIGHT_ENDPOINT, groupList ) )
              for ( i = 0; i < numGroups; i++ )
        #if defined ( ZCL_SCENES )
                zclGeneral_RemoveAllScenes( SAMPLELIGHT_ENDPOINT, groupList[i] );
              aps_RemoveAllGroup( SAMPLELIGHT_ENDPOINT );
  3. zclSampleLight_process_loop now uses OSALPort instead of ICall to receive messages.

    static void zclSampleLight_process_loop(void)
        /* Forever loop */
            zstackmsg_genericReq_t *pMsg = NULL;
            /* Wait for response message */
            if(Semaphore_pend(appSemHandle, BIOS_WAIT_FOREVER ))
                /* Retrieve the response message */
                if((pMsg = (zstackmsg_genericReq_t*) OsalPort_msgReceive( appServiceTaskId )) != NULL)
    #ifdef PER_TEST
                    if(pMsg != NULL)
  4. Global variables for cluster attributes, like zclSampleLight_OnOff and `` zclSampleLight_LevelCurrentLevel`` have been replaced with attribute functions as reflected in zcl_samplelight_data.c and zcl_samplelight.h.

  5. Scene and attribute callbacks have been added:

         *  Functions for processing ZCL Foundation incoming Command/Response messages
         * @fn      zclSampleLight_SceneRecallCB
         * @brief   Callback from the ZCL Scenes Cluster Library
         *          to recall a set of attributes from a stored scene.
         * @param   none
         * @return  none
        static void zclSampleLight_SceneRecallCB( zclSceneReq_t *pReq )
            zclGeneral_Scene_extField_t extField;
            uint8 *pBuf;
            uint8 extLen = 0;
            pBuf = pReq->scene->extField;
            extField.AttrLen = pBuf[2];
             while(extLen < ZCL_GEN_SCENE_EXT_LEN)
                 //Parse ExtField
                 extField.ClusterID = BUILD_UINT16(pBuf[0],pBuf[1]);
                 extField.AttrLen = pBuf[2];
                 extField.AttrBuf = &pBuf[3];
                 if(extField.AttrLen == 0xFF || extField.ClusterID == 0xFFFF)
                 //If On/Off then retrieve the attribute
                 if(extField.ClusterID == ZCL_CLUSTER_ID_GEN_ON_OFF)
                     uint8 tempState = *extField.AttrBuf;
                 //If Level Control then retrieve the attribute
                 else if(extField.ClusterID == ZCL_CLUSTER_ID_GEN_LEVEL_CONTROL)
                     uint8 tempState = *extField.AttrBuf;
                 //Move to the next extension field (increase pointer by clusterId, Attribute len field, and attribute)
                 pBuf += sizeof(uint16) + sizeof(uint8) + extField.AttrLen;
                 extLen += sizeof(uint16) + sizeof(uint8) + extField.AttrLen;  //increase ExtField
            //Update scene attributes
            zclSampleLight_ScenesValid = TRUE;
            zclSampleLight_ScenesCurrentGroup = pReq->scene->groupID;
            zclSampleLight_ScenesCurrentScene = pReq->scene->ID;
         * @fn      zclSampleLight_SceneStoreCB
         * @brief   Callback from the ZCL Scenes Cluster Library
         *          to store a set of attributes to a specific scene.
         * @param   none
         * @return  none
        static uint8 zclSampleLight_SceneStoreCB( zclSceneReq_t *pReq )
            zclGeneral_Scene_extField_t extField;
            uint8 *pBuf;
            uint8 extLen = 0;
            uint8 sceneChanged = FALSE;
            pBuf = pReq->scene->extField;
            extField.AttrLen = pBuf[2];
            while(extLen < ZCL_GEN_SCENE_EXT_LEN)
                //Parse ExtField
                extField.ClusterID = BUILD_UINT16(pBuf[0],pBuf[1]);
                extField.AttrLen = pBuf[2];
                extField.AttrBuf = &pBuf[3];
                if(extField.AttrLen == 0xFF || extField.ClusterID == 0xFFFF)
                //If On/Off then store attribute
                if(extField.ClusterID == ZCL_CLUSTER_ID_GEN_ON_OFF)
                    uint8 tempState = zclSampleLight_getOnOffAttribute();
                    if(*extField.AttrBuf != tempState )
                        sceneChanged = TRUE;
                    *extField.AttrBuf = tempState;
                //If Level Control then store attribute
                else if(extField.ClusterID == ZCL_CLUSTER_ID_GEN_LEVEL_CONTROL)
                    uint8 tempState = zclSampleLight_getCurrentLevelAttribute();
                    if(*extField.AttrBuf != tempState )
                        sceneChanged = TRUE;
                    *extField.AttrBuf = tempState;
                //Move to the next extension field (increase pointer by clusterId, Attribute len field, and attribute)
                pBuf += sizeof(uint16) + sizeof(uint8) + extField.AttrLen;
                extLen += sizeof(uint16) + sizeof(uint8) + extField.AttrLen;  //increase ExtField
            //Update scene attributes
            zclSampleLight_ScenesValid = TRUE;
            zclSampleLight_ScenesCurrentGroup = pReq->scene->groupID;
            zclSampleLight_ScenesCurrentScene = pReq->scene->ID;
            return sceneChanged;
         * @fn      zclSampleLight_ReadWriteAttrCB
         *          Only to be called if any of the attributes change.
         * @param   clusterId - cluster that attribute belongs to
         * @param   attrId - attribute to be read or written
         * @param   oper - ZCL_OPER_LEN, ZCL_OPER_READ, or ZCL_OPER_WRITE
         * @param   pValue - pointer to attribute value, OTA endian
         * @param   pLen - length of attribute value read, native endian
         * @return  status
        ZStatus_t zclSampleLight_ReadWriteAttrCB( uint16 clusterId, uint16 attrId, uint8 oper,
                                                 uint8 *pValue, uint16 *pLen )
            if(clusterId == ZCL_CLUSTER_ID_GEN_SCENES)
                if(attrId == ATTRID_SCENES_COUNT)
                   return zclGeneral_ReadSceneCountCB(clusterId,attrId,oper,pValue,pLen);
            return ZSuccess;

    zclSampleLight_SceneStoreCB and zclSampleLight_SceneRecallCB are added to the zclSampleLight_CmdCallbacks table.

  6. gp_[Get/Set]CommissioningMode is renamed gp_[Get/Set]SinkCommissioningMode, changes are only required if ENABLE_GREENPOWER_COMBO_BASIC is defined.

  7. Add any other Z-Stack 3.2.0 application changes to the Z-Stack 3.3.0 file if not pertaining to the items listed above.


Difference comparison software is recommended for discerning all differences between software stacks.