TI BLE-Stack for Bluetooth 4.2 API Documentation
Data Structures | Typedefs
GAP Callbacks

Data Structures

struct  gapBondMgrCBs_t
 Callback Registration Structure. More...


typedef void(* pfnGapConnEvtCB_t) (Gap_ConnEventRpt_t *pReport)
typedef void(* pfnGapIdleCB_t) ()
 GAP Idle Callback Function.
typedef uint8(* pfnSuppEnhPrivCB_t) (uint8 *deviceAddr)
 Enhanced Privacy Check Callback Function.

Detailed Description

Typedef Documentation

§ pfnGapConnEvtCB_t

typedef void(* pfnGapConnEvtCB_t) ( Gap_ConnEventRpt_t *pReport)

GAP Callback function pointer type for Connection Event notifications.

When registered via GAP_RegisterConnEventCb, this callback will return a pointer to a Gap_ConnEventRpt_t from the controller after each connection event

The application owns the memory pointed to by pReport. That is, it is responsible for freeing this memory.
This is called from the stack task context. Therefore, processing in this callback should be minimized. Any excessive processing should be done by posting an event to the application task context.
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