TI BLE-Stack for Bluetooth API Documentation
HCI Error Codes


 ACL Connection Already Exists.
 Authentication Fialure.
 Channel Assessment Not Supported.
 Command Disallowed.
 Coarse Clock Adjust Rejected.
 Connection Acceptance Timeout Exceeded.
 Connection Failued to Establish.
 Connection Limit Exceeded.
 Connection Rejected due to Limited Resources.
 Connection Rejected No Suitable Channel Found.
 Connection Rejected for Security Reasons.
 Connection Rejected due to Unacceptable BDADDR.
 Connection Terminated by Local Host.
 Connection Terminated due to MIC Failure.
 Connection Timeout.
 Controller Busy.
 Different Transaction Collision.
 Directed Advertising Timeout.
 Encrypt Mode not Acceptable.
 Extended Inquiry Response too Large.
 Host Busy Pairing.
 Hardware Failure.
 Instant Passed.
 Insufficient Security.
 Invalid HCI Command Parameters.
 Invalid LMP Paramaters.
 Link Key Can Not Be Changed.
 LMP Error Transaction Collision.
 LMP LL Response Timeout.
 LMP DU Not Allowed.
 MAC Connection Failed.
 Memory Capability Exceeded.
 Page Timeout.
 Pairing Not Allowed.
 Pairing with Unit Key Not Supported.
 Paramater out of Mandatory Range.
 Pin Key Missing.
 QOS Reject.
 QOS Unacceptable Parameter.
 Remote Device Terminated Connection due to Low Resources.
 Remote Device Terminated Connection due to Power Off.
 Remote User Terminated Connection.
 Repeated Attempts.
 Request QOS Not Supported.
 Reserved Slot Violation.
 Role Change Not Allowed.
 Role Switch Failed.
 Role Switch Pending.
 SCO Air Mode Rejected.
 SCO Interval Rejected.
 SCO Offset Rejected.
 Simple Pairing Not Supported by Host.
 Synchonous Connection Limit Exceeded.
 Unacceptable Connection Parameters.
 Unknown Connection ID.
 Unknown HCI Command.
 Unknown LMP PDU.
 Unspecified Error.
 Unsupported Paramter.
 Unsupported LMP Parameter Value.
 Unsupported Remote Feature.
#define HCI_SUCCESS   0x00

Detailed Description

Per the Bluetooth Core Specification, V4.0.0, Vol. 2, Part D.

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