RNGLPF3RF.h File Reference

Detailed Description

RNG driver implementation for the CC23X0 family.


This file should only be included in the board file to fill the RNG_config structure.

The CC23X0 family does not have a general purpose TRNG. However, it can collect radio noise when the radio is not being used (such as during boot) and use that noise as a source for a seed for an AES CTR DRBG.

The radio noise is first processed using AES CBC MAC in order to compress the entropy of the noise into a 256 bit value with close to 256 bits of entropy. That 256 bit value is then used as the seed value for the AES CTR DRBG.

The RNG driver then uses the AES CTR DRBG to fulfill any requests for entropy.

In order to ensure proper operation, RNG_init() must be called prior to to any other use of the radio. Because other drivers may be using the RNG driver, it is recommended that RNG_init() be called as part of the application's startup routines.

This implementation does not support the RNG_RETURN_BEHAVIOR_CALLBACK return mode.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <ti/drivers/RNG.h>
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const uint32_t RNGLPF3RF_noiseInputWordLen

Variable Documentation

§ RNGLPF3RF_noiseInputWordLen

const uint32_t RNGLPF3RF_noiseInputWordLen
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