
Texas Instruments

2 hours read

This workshop will introduce you to the TI Wi-SUN FAN Stack and teach you how to set up a Wi-SUN FAN.


An intermediate level of knowledge of the C programming language and some experience with embedded software development is needed to be able to complete the tasks.

In task one, you will learn how to set up a Border Router device and how to send commands over the PySpinel interface. In task two, you’ll set up a Router Node. In the third task the network is started and the connection is formed. In the fourth task, you learn how to send a ping over the network.

It is recommended to read the TI Wi-SUN FAN User’s Guide alongside this lab for details and further information.



For this lab, you need two Wi-SUN enabled development boards. One board will run the Border Router application and the second one will run the Router Node application. Supported devices are:

These devices are interchangeable in the lab.

You will also need a computer to act as the host to the network processor. You can use Windows or Linux. You will need git on your computer.


Getting started – Desktop#

Install the SDK#

Open Resource Explorer via View → Resource Explorer and find the SDK you want to install.

On the right side, you will see a download icon. Click this to install the SDK and all its dependencies.

  1. Download the off line installer from the SDK links above under Prerequisites

  2. Run the SimpleLink CC13XX-CC26XX SDK installer: simplelink_cc13xx_cc26xx_sdk_x_xx_xx_xx.exe. These instructions assume you have installed to the default directory: C:\ti\

Install Python 3.x#

Python 3.x is needed for the network processor interface. Python can be installed directly from If asked, make sure to include pip with the installation.

Install the TI Wi-SUN FAN PySpinel GitHub Repo#

Within the tools folder of the SDK, there is a file called setup_pyspinel.bat. Running this file will automatically clone and setup the TI git repository that contains the NWP python files for your use.

  1. Open the SDK and navigate to the tools folder <SDK_INSTALL_DIR>\tools\ti_wisunfan.

Resource Explorer
  1. Run the file called setup_pyspinel.bat to setup the TI git repo. Click on the file to start running it, and the repository will be setup inside of the tools folder in your SDK.

  2. After running the .bat file, a folder pyspinel_repo is created. In this folder, another folder is created for the actual repo: ti-wisunfan-pyspinel. The release tag corresponding to your SDK release is already checked out.

  3. Depending on your Python setup, running the .bat file may give you a pip error:

    Resource Explorer

    If this happens, follow the recommendation to update pip and then install the requirements.

    $ pip install --upgrade pip

    Then install the requirements:

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt


Yay! All the components are ready and we can start setting up the network!

Wi-SUN Network#

The Wi-SUN FAN mesh network consists of two types of logical devices: The Border Router (BR) device and the Router Node (RN) devices.

  • Each PAN contains a BR providing WAN connectivity to the PAN. The BR maintains source routing tables for all nodes within its PAN, provides node authentication and key management services, and disseminates PAN wide information such as broadcast schedules.

  • In addition there is one or more RNs, which provide upward and downward packet forwarding (within a PAN). An RN also provides services for relaying security and address management protocols.


Task 1 – Run the Border Router Project#


TI Wi-SUN FAN example projects take a few minutes to build. This can be a bit inconvenient. For this reason try to make any alterations before you start building. This lab (except bonus task) will require you to build only once.

Luckily, the examples are available as network processors. This means that in most cases you will only need to build the project once. Most network configurations can be made at runtime.

In the first task we will set up a Border Router device. This device will be the root of the network.

Import in Code Composer Studio#

Open Code Composer Studio and import the BR project:

  • In CCS, open Project → Import CCS Projects…

  • Navigate to the ns_br folder for your development board and press Select Folder. The path is: <SDK_INSTALL_DIR>\examples\rtos\<DEVELOPMENT_BOARD>\ti_wisunfan\ns_br

  • Select the discovered project and press Finish.

  • The project will appear in your Project Explorer window as shown below.


Connect the LaunchPad#

Start by making sure your kit is assembled, turned on, and connected to the PC via the USB cable.

When the LaunchPad is connected, the Windows Device Manager (Start → Control Panel → Device Manager, or Win+X, M on Windows 10) will show you the following devices connected:


Device Manager#

The Application/User UART serial port is used for application output in this example.

If you are using a Linux computer, use the dmesg | grep tty command to get a chronological list of all devices. The second to last is the one we want to use (e.g. /dev/ttyACM0).

Note down the COM or tty number, we will use it soon!

Build the Projects and Flash the Device#

  1. Build the project by right-clicking on it and selecting Build Project.

    • Alternatively build all projects by pressing Ctrl + B.

  2. Program the project by right clicking on it and selecting Debug As → Code Composer Debug Session

  3. When the IDE is halted at the main function, terminate debugging session by clicking Ctrl + F2 or the square red stop icon.


The first time you program your device, you may be prompted by CCS to update the debugger on the LaunchPad. You will need to do this in order to be able to program the device with CCS. Make sure you only run the update once at a time.

Connect the Network Processor Interface#

We will use the file to control the Border Router device. To run a python script, open a command terminal or similar. Here, git bash is used.

  1. Navigate to the location of, <SDK_INSTALL_DIR>\tools\ti_wisunfan\pyspinel_repo\ti-wisunfan-pyspinel

    $ cd \c\ti\simplelink_cc13xx_cc26xx_sdk_6_10_00_29\tools\ti_wisunfan\pyspinel_repo\ti-wisunfan-pyspinel
  2. Remember the USB port we found in the Section Connect the LaunchPad? We will use it now. Call the with the COM or tty port added as an argument. The “Module readline unavailable” message can be ignored.

    $ python -u COM4
    spinel-cli >
    $ python -u /dev/ttyACM0
    spinel-cli >

    If you encounter any error message please have a look at the following fixes.

    Serial error message…

    If you have both pyserial and serial installed, you might get the following error:

    $ python -u COM10
    Couldn't open COM10 module 'serial' has no attribute 'Serial'
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "", line 1839, in
    File "", line 1816, in main
    options.baudrate, options.rtscts)
    File "C:\ti\simplelink_cc13x2_26x2_sdk_5_20_00_52\tools\pyspinel_repo\ti-wisunfan-pyspinel\spinel\", line 185, in StreamOpen
    return StreamSerial(dev, baudrate, rtscts)
    File "C:\ti\simplelink_cc13x2_26x2_sdk_5_20_00_52\tools\pyspinel_repo\ti-wisunfan-pyspinel\spinel\", line 55, in __init__
    self.serial = serial.Serial(port=dev,
    AttributeError: module 'serial' has no attribute 'Serial'

    If this happens, try uninstalling both pyserial and serial.

    $ python -m pip uninstall serial pyserial

    Then install only pyserial:

    $ python -m pip install pyserial

    Then try again running the script.

    Port error message…

    When trying to open a port where you don’t have the permission, you may get an error message.

    $ python -u /dev/ttyACM0
    Couldn’t open dev/ttyACM0 [Errno 13] could not open port dev/ttyACM0: [Errno 13] Permission denied: ‘dev/ttyACM0’

    One way of getting this permission is using the following command:

    $ sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyACM0

    You may need to repeat this every time you disconnect and reconnect the USB cable.

    Another reason why you may get this error is that some other program has opened the port. If you’re unsure whether this is the case, you can unplug and replug the USB cable.

Run Some Commands#

Now that we have the network processor interface up and running, we can run some commands. For example, we can check the version of the image running on the LaunchPad:

spinel-cli > ncpversion
TIWISUNFAN/1.0.0; RELEASE; Jul  23 2021 13:54:01

Or we can ask for all available commands to be displayed using help:

spinel-cli > help


We have the BR running… Let’s set up a peer device to keep it company!

Task 2 – Run the Router Node Project#

In this task we will set up a Router Node to connect with the Border Router. Here we will set up one, but in a real mesh network there will be many of these devices. The steps for programming a launchpad are the same as for the BR project.

Import in Code Composer Studio#

Open Code Composer Studio and import the RN project, ns_coap_node. The steps are the same as for the BR project, but the path is different: <SDK_INSTALL_DIR>\examples\rtos\<DEVELOPMENT_BOARD>\ti_wisunfan\ns_coap_node.

When you have imported the project, it will show up in CCS as follows:


Connect the LaunchPad#

Connect your second LaunchPad to the laptop via USB. Again, you can check that it appears in Windows Device Manager.

When you have two launchPads connected to your laptop, it’s important to make sure the correct one is programmed by CCS when you press the Debug button. If not, you risk that one LaunchPad is never programmed while the other one is overwritten each time you press the debug button. One way to avoid this is to assign a specific LaunchPad to each CCS project. Instructions for this is found here.

Build the Projects and Flash the Device#

Build the project, program it and terminate the debug session using the same steps as for the BR device.

Run the Project#

The ns_coap_node project is a fully embedded implementation. If you want to run an RN as a network processor, you can use the ns_node project of the Router Node. This means we don’t need to connect through the network processor interface. Instead, the CoAP Node automatically looks for a Wi-SUN network to join after booting. If it finds a network with matching network parameters it will join it.

You will notice the green LED starts flashing when the CoAP Node is running.

To see the connection status of the CoAP Node, let’s open a UART terminal.

Connect a Terminal Program#

To see the serial output from the LaunchPad it is necessary to use a terminal emulator. There are several options. We will use PuTTy.

Terminal Program Options

There are several options for terminal program:

Set your terminal emulator settings to 115200 baud rate, 8 bit data, 1 stop bit, no parity, and no flow control.


PuTTY Terminal configuration#

When you press the power button on the LaunchPad (next to the micro USB connector), you will see the following print out in your terminal:


PuTTY Terminal window#

Task 3 – Form the Connection#

  1. Let’s start by starting the network from the Border Router device. We will start by checking the network name and PAN ID:

    spinel-cli > networkname
    Wi-SUN Network
    spinel-cli > panid

    You can use these commands to change the network name and PAN ID. However, make sure you change these parameters on the Router Node side as well or it won’t be able to connect!

    How to change network name and PAN ID on the CoAP node

    Open SysConfig by double-clicking ti_wisunfan_router_node.syscfg.


    Select TI Wi-SUN FAN Stack and open the Network tab. Here you can select the PAN ID and Network name you wish.


    Save the .syscfg file, rebuild the project and reprogram the device.

    Don’t forget to set the same PAN ID and network name on the BR!

    spinel-cli > networkname Best Network
    Best Network
    spinel-cli > panid
  2. It’s time to start the network. The first command we need is the ifconfig up command which brings up the network interface:

    spinel-cli > ifconfig up
  3. The second command we need is wisunstack. This command tells you the status of the Wi-SUN FAN network. Call it with the start keyword to start the network.

    spinel-cli > wisunstack start
    spinel-cli > wisunstack


    It can take several minutes for the Router Node to join the network. This is because both the BR and the RN are frequency hopping.

  4. From the BR side, we can use the routerstate command to check the join status of this device. For the BR, we expect this to be 5 when the network is operational.

    spinel-cli > routerstate
    Successfully joined and operational
    I got a different status…

    If the return status is something other than 5, the network has not yet started. For example if you get a 0 status.

    In most cases this means you forgot to run the ifconfig up or the wisunstack start command. Rerun these and retry!

    We can use connecteddevices to check if any devices are connected yet.

    spinel-cli > connecteddevices
    List of Connected Devices currently in routing table:
    No nodes currently in routing table.
  5. After a few minutes the RN will join the network. The green LED will stop flashing. When this happens the RN will print out a message over UART.


    UART Output of the RN#

    On the BR, you can send the connecteddevices command:

    spinel-cli > connecteddevices
    List of Connected Devices currently in routing table:

    We have a connection! At this point you can add more RNs to the network, or you can continue with the next task. If you choose to add more routers, you can use the connecteddevices command to get a list of all devices in the network.

    spinel-cli > connecteddevices
    List of Connected Devices currently in routing table:

Task 4 – Ping the Router Node#

In this task, we will send a ping from the Border Router, to the Router Node.

  1. First we need to know the DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, this address format is used in UDP and IP networks) address of this RN. If we only have one RN in the network, we can use the connecteddevices command on the BR. This will print out the address of all connected devices.

    spinel-cli > connecteddevices
    List of Connected Devices currently in routing table:

    If we have multiple RNs in the network, let’s use the terminal display on the RN to see it’s address. When the RN first connected to the network, it printed it’s own address as the CON_STATUS_LOCAL_UP. Here, it’s fd00:7283:7e00:0:212:4b00:14f7:d1b5.


    UART Output of the RN#

  2. Now we can use the ping command from the BR:

    spinel-cli > ping fd00:7283:7e00:0:212:4b00:14f7:d1b5
    56 bytes from fd00:7283:7e00:0:212:4b00:14f7:d1b5: icmp_seq=50089 hlim=64 time=118ms

    In the return message you can even see the turnaround time.

  3. That’s ok… but maybe there’s a command we can use and see the effect on the RN side as well? A good starting point would be to check the PySpinel command documentation. You can find it in the README file in the TI Wi-SUN FAN PySpinel GitHub repo.


    If you search for CoAP in the README you will find the coap specific command:

    spinel-cli > coap fdde:ad00:beef:0:558:f56b:d688:799 get con led
    CoAP packet received from fe80::212:4b00:10:50d4: type: 2 (Acknowledgement), token len: 0, code: 2.05 (Content), msg_id: 1
    CoAP options: Content-Format (12): b''
    RLED state: Off, GLED state: On
    spinel-cli > coap fdde:ad00:beef:0:558:f56b:d688:799 post con led --led_state r 1
    CoAP packet received from fe80::212:4b00:10:50d4: type: 2 (Acknowledgement), token len: 0, code: 2.04 (Changed), msg_id: 2
    CoAP options: Content-Format (12): b''
    No CoAP payload
    spinel-cli > coap fdde:ad00:beef:0:558:f56b:d688:799 get non led
    CoAP packet received from fe80::212:4b00:10:50d4: type: 2 (Acknowledgement), token len: 0, code: 2.04 (Changed), msg_id: 2
    CoAP options: Content-Format (12): b''
    No CoAP payload

    For example, we can light the red LED on our RN by sending the command with --led_state r 1.

    spinel-cli > coap fd00:7283:7e00:0:212:4b00:14f7:d1b5 post con led --led_state r 1
    spinel-cli >
    CoAP packet received from fd00:7283:7e00:0:212:4b00:14f7:d1b5: type: 2 (Acknowledgement), token len: 0, code: 2.04 (Changed), msg_id: 0
    CoAP options: Content-Format (12): b''
    No CoAP payload

Bonus Task – Set up a Sniffer#

A sniffer log can be very useful for debugging, or if you’re just curious about what’s going over the air. In short, a sniffer will observe all the packets going back and forth in the network.

In this task we will set up a sniffer to keep track of the network. You will need one additional LaunchPad. The following are supported:

We will keep the Border Router and Router Node(s) running, but some configuration is required.

To set up the sniffer, follow the steps in the TI Wi-SUN FAN User’s Guide → Debugging → Packet Sniffer.

Pay attention to the final section, Application Setup. Here you can find the specific application changes needed.


That’s it! Very well done!
