Out Of Box Demo User Guide

Table of Contents

Overview of MMWAVE SDK Out Of Box Demo

This is the mmWave SDK out-of-box demo project for the TI mmWave EVM’s. Run this Out-Of-Box Demo to view processed TI mmWave sensor data in configurable plots using the web-based mmWave Demo Visualizer.

EVM Compatibility

This demo supports most current mmWave EVM’s available currently. Below are the currently supported devices

Device Supported EVM’s
xWRL6432 xWRL6432BOOST
xWR6843 xWR6843ISK, xWR6843ISK-ODS, and xWR6843LEVM
For the IWR6843LEVM, follow docs and configuration for the IWR6843ISK. The setup is the same.
AWR294x AWR2944EVM
xWR6443 xWR6443 Devices and xWR6843 EVM’s for usage without the onboard DSP
xWR1843 xWR1843BOOST
xWR1642 xWR1642BOOST
xWR1443 xWR1443BOOST

Quickstart xWR68xx, xWR64xx, xWR18xx, xWR16xx and xWR14xx devices


Tool Version Download Link
Uniflash Latest Downlad Uniflash
Access Uniflash through the Cloud
Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP Drivers
(only required in standalone mode)
Latest Latest SiLabs Driver

1. Configure the EVM for Flashing Mode

Follow the steps in the EVM Setup Guide for your specific EVM.

2. Flash the EVM using Uniflash

Flash the appropriate binary from the prebuilt binaries folder using UniFlash. Follow the instructions for using UniFlash Prebuilt binaries can be found in the following directory: toolbox_install_Dir\source\ti\examples\Out_Of_Box_Demo\prebuilt_binaries\

3. Configure the EVM for Functional Mode

Follow the steps in the EVM Setup Guide for your specific EVM.

4. Open the mmWave Demo Visualizer

In google chrome, open the mmWave Demo Visualizer If prompted, follow the on-screen instructions for installing TI Cloud Agent

The mmWave Industrial visualizer is also compatible with the Out Of Box Demo. It is a python gui which can be used locally. It can be found under {Toolbox_install_dir}\tools\visualizers\Industrial_Visualizer\mmWave_Industrial_Visualizer.exe

5. Connect the Visualizer to the Device

In the GUI menu, select Options → Serial Port

6. Running the Demo

Quickstart xWRL64xx device


Tool Version Download Link
XDS 110 Drivers Latest XDS Emulation Software
SDK Latest SDK 5.x.x.x

1. Configure the EVM for Flashing Mode

Follow the steps in the EVM Setup Guide for your specific EVM.

2. Open the Low Power Radar Visualizer

Navigate to the SDK download location and find the Low Power Radar Visualizer at <MMWAVE_SDK_INSTALL_DIR>\tools\visualizer\Low_power_visualizer_5.x.x.x\visualizer.exe

3. Flash the EVM using Low Power Visualizer

On the flashing tab follow the 4 steps listed

  1. Select the device in the drop down
  2. Select the COM Port
  3. Select baud rate
  4. Upload release application image which can be found at <MMWAVE_SDK_INSTALL_DIR>\examples\mmw_demo\motion_and_presence_detection\prebuilt_binaries or toolbox_install_Dir\source\ti\examples\Out_Of_Box_Demo\prebuilt_binaries\
  5. Select the “FLASH” button

4. Configure the EVM for Functional Mode

Pop up will appear to prompt you to switch to functional mode and reset the device. Follow the steps in the visualizer also documented in the EVM Setup Guide for your specific EVM. RESET_SW button can be found to the left of the 5V power source and three LEDs.

5. Send device configuration

In Profile Configuration drop down select “Motion Detect” or “Presence Detect”
Select button “Send Configs to Device”
In console window on the right of the screen the commands should appear being sent to the device

6. View presence detection

Once commands are sent the Presence Detection tab will open. Checkboxes on the right allow control of the visualization.

7. View plots

Open the plots tab to see more views of the radar data. Use the checkboxes on the right to control which plots are displayed.

Developer’s Guide

EVM Compatibility

This demo supports most current mmWave EVM’s available currently. Below are the currently supported devices

Device Supported EVM’s
xWRL6432 xWRL6432BOOST
xWR6843 xWR6843ISK, xWR6843ISK-ODS, and xWR6843LEVM
For the IWR6843LEVM, follow docs and configuration for the IWR6843ISK. The setup is the same.
AWR294x AWR2944EVM
xWR1843 xWR1843BOOST
xWR1642 xWR1642BOOST
xWR1443 xWR1443BOOST

Build the Firmware from Source Code

1. Software Requirements

Tool Version Download Link
TI mmWave SDK (xWR6843, xWR6443, xWR1843, and xWR1642) (AWR294x)
5.x.x.x (xWRL6432)
2.1.x.x (xWR1443)
mmWave SDK 3.6
mmWave SDK 4.3
mmWave SDK 5.x.x.x
Previous Versions
Code Composer Studio Latest Code Composer Studio
Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP Drivers
(only required in standalone mode)
Latest Latest SiLabs Driver

xWRL6432 CCS Version
For xWRL6432 devices CCS 12.2 or later is recommended.

2. Import Project

The mmWave SDK Out-of-box demo CCS Project is available on TI Resource Explorer under mmWave Sensors → Radar Toolbox. You can import the project in your CCS workspace using TI Resource Explorer in CCS or by importing the projectspec from a local copy of the toolbox. Both methods of importing projects are defined below. To get started, open CCS and set up your workspace as desired.

Importing via TI Resource Explorer in CCS


Importing via CCS Import Projectspecs

Project Workspace
When importing projects to a workspace, a copy is created in the workspace. It is important to note that the copy in user’s workspace is the one that gets built and all modifications will only be implemented for the workspace copy. The original project downloaded in the Radar Toolbox is not modified.

3. Build the Project

Build DSS Project

If the applicable demo for your device utilizes the DSP, then it will contain two projects, a DSS project as well as an MSS project, and the DSS project must be built before the MSS project.

With the DSS project selected in Project Explorer, right click on the project and select Rebuild Project. Selecting Rebuild instead of Build ensures that the project is always re-compiled. This is especially important in case the previous build failed with errors.

Ensure that the DSS project builds without errors, which will be shown in the console window.

Build MSS Project

Select the MSS project in Project Explorer, right click on the project and select Rebuild Project.

Build the Project

If there is only one project in Project Explorer, right click on the project name and select Rebuild Project.

🛑 Before Continuing!
Build Fails with Errors
If the build fails with errors, please ensure that all the prerequisites are installed as mentioned in the previous steps.

4. Execute the Project

There are two ways to execute the compiled code on the EVM:

CCS Debug Mode

Follow the instructions for Using CCS Debug for Development

Output from mmWave Demo Visualizer and Output using DCA1000EVM

The mmWave Demo Visualizer is used to visualize processed output data from the mmWave radar device. This processed output data can be saved in binary form to a .DAT file. Additionally, raw ADC data can be saved for offline processing using the DCA1000 EVM. To learn more about the structure of this output data please refer to the following resources:

Output Data versus Raw ADC Data
Output data refers to point cloud data (x,y,z,v). Raw ADC data refers to digitally sampled sensor data.

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