CC26xx Driver Library
interrupt.h File Reference
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "../inc/hw_ints.h"
#include "../inc/hw_types.h"
#include "../inc/hw_nvic.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "cpu.h"


#define INT_PRIORITY_MASK   0x000000E0
#define INT_PRI_LEVEL0   0x00000000
#define INT_PRI_LEVEL1   0x00000020
#define INT_PRI_LEVEL2   0x00000040
#define INT_PRI_LEVEL3   0x00000060
#define INT_PRI_LEVEL4   0x00000080
#define INT_PRI_LEVEL5   0x000000A0
#define INT_PRI_LEVEL6   0x000000C0
#define INT_PRI_LEVEL7   0x000000E0


void IntRegister (uint32_t ui32Interrupt, void(*pfnHandler)(void))
 Registers a function as an interrupt handler in the dynamic vector table. More...
void IntUnregister (uint32_t ui32Interrupt)
 Unregisters an interrupt handler in the dynamic vector table. More...
void IntPriorityGroupingSet (uint32_t ui32Bits)
 Sets the priority grouping of the interrupt controller. More...
uint32_t IntPriorityGroupingGet (void)
 Gets the priority grouping of the interrupt controller. More...
void IntPrioritySet (uint32_t ui32Interrupt, uint8_t ui8Priority)
 Sets the priority of an interrupt. More...
int32_t IntPriorityGet (uint32_t ui32Interrupt)
 Gets the priority of an interrupt. More...
void IntEnable (uint32_t ui32Interrupt)
 Enables an interrupt or system exception. More...
void IntDisable (uint32_t ui32Interrupt)
 Disables an interrupt or system exception. More...
void IntPendSet (uint32_t ui32Interrupt)
 Pends an interrupt. More...
bool IntPendGet (uint32_t ui32Interrupt)
 Checks if an interrupt is pending. More...
void IntPendClear (uint32_t ui32Interrupt)
 Unpends an interrupt. More...
static bool IntMasterEnable (void)
 Enables the CPU interrupt. More...
static bool IntMasterDisable (void)
 Disables the CPU interrupts with configurable priority. More...
static void IntPriorityMaskSet (uint32_t ui32PriorityMask)
 Sets the priority masking level. More...
static uint32_t IntPriorityMaskGet (void)
 Gets the priority masking level. More...