TI-15.4 Stack API
Data Fields
_apimac_capabilityinfo Struct Reference

#include <api_mac.h>

Data Fields

bool panCoord
bool ffd
bool mainsPower
bool rxOnWhenIdle
bool security
bool allocAddr

Detailed Description

Structure defines the Capabilities Information bit field.

Field Documentation

§ panCoord

bool _apimac_capabilityinfo::panCoord

True if the device is a PAN Coordinator

§ ffd

bool _apimac_capabilityinfo::ffd

True if the device is a full function device (FFD)

§ mainsPower

bool _apimac_capabilityinfo::mainsPower

True if the device is mains powered

§ rxOnWhenIdle

bool _apimac_capabilityinfo::rxOnWhenIdle

True if the device's RX is on when the device is idle

§ security

bool _apimac_capabilityinfo::security

True if the device is capable of sending and receiving secured frames

§ allocAddr

bool _apimac_capabilityinfo::allocAddr

True if allocation of a short address in the associate procedure is needed.

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