TI-15.4 Stack API
Data Fields
_apimac_secadddevice Struct Reference

#include <api_mac.h>

Data Fields

uint16_t panID
uint16_t shortAddr
ApiMac_sAddrExt_t extAddr
bool exempt
uint32_t frameCounter
uint8_t keyIdLookupDataSize
uint8_t keyIdLookupData [APIMAC_MAX_KEY_LOOKUP_LEN]
bool uniqueDevice
bool duplicateDevFlag

Detailed Description

Structure to pass information to the ApiMac_secAddDevice().

Field Documentation

§ panID

uint16_t _apimac_secadddevice::panID

PAN ID of the new device

§ shortAddr

uint16_t _apimac_secadddevice::shortAddr

short address of the new device

§ extAddr

ApiMac_sAddrExt_t _apimac_secadddevice::extAddr

extended address of the new device

§ exempt

bool _apimac_secadddevice::exempt

Device descriptor exempt field value (true or false), setting this field to true means that this device can override the minimum security level setting.

§ frameCounter

uint32_t _apimac_secadddevice::frameCounter

Frame Counter

§ keyIdLookupDataSize

uint8_t _apimac_secadddevice::keyIdLookupDataSize

key ID lookup data size as it is stored in PIB, (i.e., 0 for 5 bytes, 1 for 9 bytes).

§ keyIdLookupData

uint8_t _apimac_secadddevice::keyIdLookupData[APIMAC_MAX_KEY_LOOKUP_LEN]

key ID lookup data, to look for the key table entry and create proper key device descriptor for this device.

§ uniqueDevice

bool _apimac_secadddevice::uniqueDevice

key device descriptor uniqueDevice field value (true or false)

§ duplicateDevFlag

bool _apimac_secadddevice::duplicateDevFlag

A flag (true or false) to indicate whether the device entry should be duplicated even for the keys that do not match the key ID lookup data. The device descriptors that are pointed by the key device descriptors that do not match the key ID lookup data shall not update the frame counter based on the frameCounter argument to this function or shall set the frame counter to zero when the entry is newly created.

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