TI-15.4 Stack API
Data Fields
_apimac_secaddkeyinitframecounter Struct Reference

#include <api_mac.h>

Data Fields

uint8_t key [APIMAC_KEY_MAX_LEN]
uint32_t frameCounter
uint16_t replaceKeyIndex
bool newKeyFlag
uint8_t lookupDataSize
uint8_t lookupData [APIMAC_MAX_KEY_LOOKUP_LEN]

Detailed Description

Structure to pass information to the ApiMac_secAddKeyInitFrameCounter().

Field Documentation

§ key

uint8_t _apimac_secaddkeyinitframecounter::key[APIMAC_KEY_MAX_LEN]


§ frameCounter

uint32_t _apimac_secaddkeyinitframecounter::frameCounter

Frame Counter

§ replaceKeyIndex

uint16_t _apimac_secaddkeyinitframecounter::replaceKeyIndex

Key index of the mac security key table where the key needs to be written

§ newKeyFlag

bool _apimac_secaddkeyinitframecounter::newKeyFlag

If set to true, the function will duplicate the device table enteries associated with the previous key, and associate it with the key. If set to false, the function will not alter device table entries associated with whatever key that was stored in the key table location as designated by replaceKeyIndex.

§ lookupDataSize

uint8_t _apimac_secaddkeyinitframecounter::lookupDataSize

Key ID lookup data size as it is stored in PIB, i.e., 0 for 5 bytes, 1 for 9 bytes.

§ lookupData

uint8_t _apimac_secaddkeyinitframecounter::lookupData[APIMAC_MAX_KEY_LOOKUP_LEN]

Key ID lookup data, to look for the key table entry and create proper key device descriptor for this device.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
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