TI BLE-Stack for Bluetooth 4.2 API Documentation
Data Fields

The SNP message. A union of all SNP message types. More...

Data Fields

snpAddCharDescDeclReq_t addCharDescDeclReq
 Add characteristic descriptor Request.
snpAddCharDescDeclRsp_t addCharDescDeclRsp
 Add characteristic descriptor Response.
snpAddCharValueDeclReq_t addCharValueDecReq
 Add characteristic value Request.
snpAddCharValueDeclRsp_t addCharValueDecRsp
 Add characteristic value Response.
snpAddServiceReq_t addServiceReq
 Add service request.
snpAddServiceRsp_t addServiceRsp
 Add service response.
snpCharCfgUpdatedInd_t charCfgUpdatedReq
 Characteristic configuration updated indication.
snpCharCfgUpdatedRsp_t charcfgUpdatedRsp
 Characteristic configuration update response.
snpCharWriteCnf_t charWriteCnf
 Characteristic write confirmation.
snpCharWriteInd_t charWriteInd
 Characteristic write request.
snpTermConnReq_t connTermReq
 Connection terminated Request.
snpGetGapParamReq_t getGapParamReq
 Get GAP parameter Request.
snpGetGapParamRsp_t getGapParamRsp
 Get GAP parameter Response.
snpGetGattParamReq_t getGattParamReq
 Get GATT parameter response.
snpGetGattParamRsp_t getGattParamRsp
 Get GATT parameter request.
snpGetStatusCmdRsp_t getStatusRsp
 Get status Response.
snpHciCmdReq_t hciCmdReq
 HCI command request.
snpHciCmdRsp_t hciCmdRsp
 HCI command response (event)
snpMaskEventRsp_t maskEventCnf
 event mask confirmation.
snpMaskEventReq_t maskEventReq
 event mask request.
snpNotifIndCnf_t notifIndCnf
 Indication Confirmation.
snpNotifIndReq_t notifIndReq
 Notification or indication request.
snpGetRandRsp_t randRsp
 Get Random Number Response.
snpCharReadCnf_t readCnf
 Characteristic read confirmation.
snpCharReadInd_t readInd
 Characteristic read request.
snpRegisterServiceRsp_t registerService
 Register service Response.
snpGetRevisionRsp_t revisionRsp
 Get revision Response.
snpSetAdvDataCnf_t setAdvDataCnf
 Set advertising data Response.
snpSetAdvDataReq_t setAdvDataReq
 Set advertising data Request.
snpSetAuthDataReq_t setAuthDataReq
 Set Authentication Data request.
snpSetAuthDataRsp_t setAuthDataRsp
 Set Authentication Data response.
snpSetGapParamReq_t setGapParamReq
 Set GAP parameter Request.
snpSetGapParamRsp_t setGapParamRsp
 Set GAP parameter Response.
snpSetGattParamReq_t setGattParamReq
 Set GATT parameter request.
snpSetGattParamRsp_t setGattParamRsp
 Set GATT parameter response.
snpSetSecParamReq_t setSecParamReq
 Set the Security Requirements request.
snpSetSecParamRsp_t setSecParamRsp
 Set Security Requirements response.
snpSetWhiteListReq_t setWhiteListReq
 Set the White List Filter Policy request.
snpSetWhiteListRsp_t setWhiteListRsp
 Set the White List Filter Policy response.
snpStartAdvReq_t startAdv
 Start advertising request.
snpTestCmdRsp_t testCmdRsp
 Test command response.
snpUpdateConnParamCnf_t updateConnParamsCnf
 Update connection parameters, request.
snpUpdateConnParamReq_t updateConnParamsReq
 Update connection parameters indication.

Detailed Description

The SNP message. A union of all SNP message types.

The documentation for this union was generated from the following file:
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