Data Structures | Typedefs | Functions
vs_freq.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Contains the public interface to the stator voltage frequency.

generator (VS_FREQ) module routines

#include <math.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  _VS_FREQ_Obj_
 Defines the angle generator (ANGLE_COMP) object. More...


typedef struct _VS_FREQ_Obj_ VS_FREQ_Obj
 Defines the angle generator (ANGLE_COMP) object. More...
typedef struct _VS_FREQ_Obj_VS_FREQ_Handle
 Defines the VS_FREQ_obj handle. More...


static float32_t VS_FREQ_getVd_out (VS_FREQ_Handle handle)
 Gets the Vd output value in VS_FREQ. More...
static float32_t VS_FREQ_getVq_out (VS_FREQ_Handle handle)
VS_FREQ_Handle VS_FREQ_init (void *pMemory, const size_t numBytes)
 Initializes the angle generator (VS_FREQ) module. More...
static void VS_FREQ_run (VS_FREQ_Handle handle, const float32_t Freq_pu)
 Generates an output command voltage for a specific input command frequency according to the specified volts/hertz profile. More...
static void VS_FREQ_setVsMagPu (VS_FREQ_Handle handle, float32_t maxVsMag_pu)
 Sets the parameters VsMag_pu. More...
static void VS_FREQ_setMaxFreq (VS_FREQ_Handle handle, float32_t maxFreq)
 Sets the parameters maximum frequency. More...
void VS_FREQ_setProfile (VS_FREQ_Handle handle, float32_t LowFreq, float32_t HighFreq, float32_t VoltMin, float32_t VoltMax)
 Sets the parameters. More...

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