Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 C_ANGLE_GEN_Obj_Defines the angle generator (ANGLE_COMP) object
 C_CLARKE_Obj_Defines the CLARKE object
 C_cplx_float_tDefine the complex data type for float real and imaginary components
 C_cplx_int16_t_Define the complex data type for 16 bit signed real and imaginary components
 C_cplx_int32_tDefine the complex data type for 32 bit signed real and imaginary components
 C_cplx_int_least32_t_Define the complex data type for at least 32 bit signed real and imaginary components
 C_cplx_int_least8_tDefine the complex data type for at least 8 bit signed real and imaginary components
 C_cplx_least16_tDefine the complex data type for at least 16 bit signed real and imaginary components
 C_cplx_uint16_t_Define the complex data type for 16 bit unsigned real and imaginary components
 C_cplx_uint32_tDefine the complex data type for 32 bit unsigned real and imaginary components
 C_cplx_uint_least32_t_Define the complex data type for at least 32 bit unsigned real and imaginary components
 C_cplx_uint_least8_tDefine the complex data type for at least 8 bit unsigned real and imaginary components
 C_cplx_uleast16_tDefine the complex data type for at least 16 bit unsigned real and imaginary components
 C_CPU_TIME_Obj_Defines the CPU usage (CPU_TIME) object
 C_CTRL_Obj_Defines the controller (CTRL) object
 C_CTRL_Version_Defines the controller (CTRL) version number
 C_DAC128S_Obj_Object for the DAC128S registers and commands
 C_DATALOG_OBJ_Defines the data logging (DATALOG) object
 C_DCLINK_SS_Obj_Defines the DC_Link Single-Shunt Object
 C_DRV8316_Obj_Defines the DRV8316 object
 C_DRV8316_VARS_t_Object for the DRV8316 registers and commands
 C_DRV8323_Obj_Defines the DRV8323 object
 C_DRV8323_VARS_t_Object for the DRV8323 registers and commands
 C_DRV8353_Obj_Defines the DRV8353 object
 C_DRV8353_VARS_t_Object for the DRV8353 registers and commands
 C_ENC_Obj_Defines the ENC controller object
 C_ESMO_Obj_Defines the ESMO controller object
 C_EST_InputData_Defines the estimator (EST) input data
 C_EST_OutputData_Defines the estimator (EST) output data
 C_EVENT_ArgList_Defines the event argument list
 C_EVENT_Obj_Defines the event queue object
 C_FCL_Parameters_t_Typedefs for motorVars
 C_FCL_Vars_t_Typedefs for motorVars Variables for CLA tasks
 C_FILTER_FO_Obj_Defines the first-order filter (FILTER_FO) object
 C_FILTER_NOTCH_CoeffObj_Defines the notch filter coefficient (FILTER_COEFF) object
 C_FILTER_NOTCH_Obj_Defines the notch filter (FILTER_NOTCH) object
 C_FILTER_SO_Obj_Defines the second-order filter (FILTER_SO) object
 C_FWC_Obj_Defines the Field Weakening Control (FWC) object
 C_HALL_Obj_Defines the HALL controller object
 C_IPARK_Obj_Defines the IPARK object
 C_MATH_cplx_vec2_Defines a two element vector
 C_MATH_cplx_vec3_Defines a three element vector
 C_MATH_ui_Vec2_Defines unsigned integer two element vector
 C_MATH_ui_Vec3_Defines unsigned integer three element vector
 C_MATH_Vec2_Defines a two element vector
 C_MATH_Vec3_Defines a three element vector
 C_MOD6CNT_Obj_Defines the angle generator (ANGLE_COMP) object
 C_MOTOR_Params_Defines the motor parameters
 C_MOTOR_Vars_t_Typedefs for motorVars
 C_MTPA_Obj_Defines the MTPA object
 C_OFFSET_Obj_Defines the offset (OFFSET) object
 C_PARK_Obj_Defines the PARK object
 C_PHVOLC_Obj_Defines the PHVOLC controller object
 C_PI_Obj_Defines the PI controller object
 C_PID_Obj_Defines the PID controller object
 C_QUEUE_Obj_Defines the queue object structure
 C_RIMPULSE_Obj_Defines the ramp control and impulse (RIMPULSE) object
 C_SLIP_Obj_Defines the slip object
 C_SSIPD_obj_Defines the SSIPD_Obj object
 C_SVGEN_Obj_Defines the Space Vector Generator (SVGEN) object
 C_SVGENCURRENT_Obj_Defines the Svgen Current object
 C_TRAJ_Obj_Defines the trajectory (TRAJ) object
 C_USER_Params_Defines a structure for the user parameters
 C_VIB_COMP_Obj_Defines the Vibration Compensation object
 C_VOLREC_Obj_Defines the VOLREC controller object
 C_VS_FREQ_Obj_Defines the angle generator (ANGLE_COMP) object
 C_VSF_Obj_Defines the VSF handle
 CDRV8316_CTRL01_BITSObject for the DRV8316 CTRL01 register
 CDRV8316_CTRL02_BITSObject for the DRV8316 CTRL03 register
 CDRV8316_CTRL03_BITSObject for the DRV8316 CTRL03 register
 CDRV8316_CTRL04_BITSObject for the DRV8316 CTRL04 register
 CDRV8316_CTRL05_BITSObject for the DRV8316 CTRL05 register
 CDRV8316_CTRL06_BITSObject for the DRV8316 CTRL06 register
 CDRV8316_CTRL10_BITSObject for the DRV8316 CTRL10 register
 CDRV8316_STAT00_BITSObject for the DRV8316 STATUS00 register
 CDRV8316_STAT01_BITSObject for the DRV8316 STATUS01 register
 CDRV8316_STAT02_BITSObject for the DRV8316 STATUS02 register
 CDRV8323_CTRL02_BITSObject for the DRV8323 CTRL02 register
 CDRV8323_CTRL03_BITSObject for the DRV8323 CTRL03 register
 CDRV8323_CTRL04_BITSObject for the DRV8323 CTRL04 register
 CDRV8323_CTRL05_BITSObject for the DRV8323 CTRL05 register
 CDRV8323_CTRL06_BITSObject for the DRV8323 CTRL05 register
 CDRV8323_STAT00_BITSObject for the DRV8323 STATUS00 register
 CDRV8323_STAT01_BITSObject for the DRV8323 STATUS01 register
 CDRV8353_CTRL02_BITSObject for the DRV8353 CTRL02 register
 CDRV8353_CTRL03_BITSObject for the DRV8353 CTRL03 register
 CDRV8353_CTRL04_BITSObject for the DRV8353 CTRL04 register
 CDRV8353_CTRL05_BITSObject for the DRV8353 CTRL05 register
 CDRV8353_CTRL06_BITSObject for the DRV8353 CTRL06 register
 CDRV8353_CTRL07_BITSObject for the DRV8353 CTRL06 register
 CDRV8353_STAT00_BITSObject for the DRV8353 STATUS00 register
 CDRV8353_STAT01_BITSObject for the DRV8353 STATUS01 register
 CEMAVGDefines the Exponential Moving Average (EMAVG) structure
 CSFRA_F32Defines the SFRA_F32 structure
 CSPLL_1PH_NOTCHDefines the SPLL_1PH_NOTCH structure
 CSPLL_1PH_SOGIDefines the Orthogonal Signal Generator SPLL_1PH_SOGI structure
 CSPLL_1PH_SOGI_FLLDefines the Orthogonal Signal Generator SPLL_1PH_SOGI_FLL structure
 CSPLL_3PH_DDSRFDefines the SPLL_3PH_DDSRF structure
 CSPLL_3PH_DDSRF_LPF_COEFFDefines the coefficients for a loop filter
 CSPLL_3PH_SRFDefines the SPLL_3PH_SRF structure
 CSPLL_3PH_SRF_LPF_COEFFDefines the coefficients for a loop filter

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