TI BLE-Stack for Bluetooth 4.2 API Documentation
Modules | Macros | Enumerator | Variables
list of status generated by the SNP.


 Adv. behavior when connection are established or terminated.
 Adv. data buffer
 Advertisement Filter Policy Type
 Advertisement Type
 Device Information Service Parameters
 GAP Bond Manager parameters
 GAP GATT Server Parameters
 GAP GATT Terminate connection request option field
 GATT Attribute Access Permissions Bit Fields
 GATT Characteristic Properties Bit Fields
 Options for Response Needed Field
 Predefined services
 SNP GATT Descriptors Header
 SNP Macros
 SNP Structures
 SNP UUID sizes
 SNP indication type
 Security States
 Service Type
 connection termination reason.
 Connection Terminated (CT)
 list of all HCI commands allowed by the SNP.
 list of asynchronous events generated by the SNP.


 SNP Already Advertising Status.
#define SNP_BLE_GAP_BOND_REJECTED   bleGAPBondRejected
 0x32, The bound information was rejected.
#define SNP_BLE_MEM_ALLOC_ERROR   bleMemAllocError
 0x13, Memory allocation error occurred
#define SNP_BLE_NO_RESOURCES   bleNoResources
 0x15, There are no resource available
#define SNP_BLE_TIMEOUT   bleTimeout
 0x17, Timed out performing function
#define SNP_CHAR_MANAGED_BY_AP   0x00
 characteristic value management Management option (RFU)
#define SNP_CHAR_MANAGED_BY_NP   0x01
 characteristic value management Management option (RFU)
 SNP Command Already in Progress Status.
#define SNP_CMD_REJECTED   0x86
 SNP Command Rejected Status.
#define SNP_CONN_INT_MAX   0x0C80
 maximal connection interval range: 4a
#define SNP_CONN_INT_MIN   0x0006
 Connection Interval Range (in 1.25ms units, ranging from 7.5ms to 4s) More...
#define SNP_CONN_SL_MAX   0x01F3
 maximum slave latency value
#define SNP_CONN_SL_MIN   0x0000
 Slave Latency Ranges. More...
 maximum supervision timeout, multiple of 10ms
 Supervisor Timeout Range (in 10ms units, ranging from 100ms to 32 seconds) More...
 this mask check that only meaningful event can be masked/send. More...
#define SNP_FAILURE   0x83
 SNP Failure Status.
#define SNP_FAILURE_NO_ATT_RSP   0x93
 SNP No Attribute Response Failure Status.
 Maximum Length of the Characteristic Value Attribute.
 The Characteristic Value shall be indicated.
 The Characteristic Value shall be notified.
 SNP GATT Collision Status.
 mask for clearing RFU bits on the attribute permissions field More...
#define SNP_HCI_CMD_UNKNOWN   0x8D
 SNP HCI Command Unknown Status.
#define SNP_HCI_OPCODE_SIZE   0x02
 Number of bytes an HCI OPCODE should be.
 SNP HCI Response Collision Status.
#define SNP_INVALID_HANDLE   0x0000
 Invalid Handle.
#define SNP_INVALID_PARAMS   0x84
 SNP Invalid Parameters Status.
 0x2, Invalid Parameter
 0x22, Link Layer Response Timeout
 0x06, Pin or Key Missing
 0x1A, Unsupported Remote Feature
 0x12, Invalid HCI Command Parameters or 0x30: Parameter Out of Mandatory Range?
 0x0C, Command Disallowed
 0x3A, Controller Busy
 0x11, Unsupported Feature or Parameter Value
 0x02, Unknown Connection Identifier for now; may be needed for multiple connections
 < This is the maximum size of a scan response or advertising data buffer.
 SNP Not Advertising Status.
#define SNP_NOT_CONNECTED   0x92
 SNP Not Connected Status.
 SNP Notifications/Indications No CCCD Attribute.
 SNP Notifications/Indications Not Allowed.
 SNP Notifications/Indications Not Enabled.
#define SNP_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   0x87
 SNP Out of Resources Status.
 0x03, The pairing procedure can't be performed as authentication requirements can't be met due to IO capabilities of one or both devices
 0x07, The SMP command received is not supported on this device.
 0x04, The confirm value doesn't match the calculated compare value
 0x0B, Indicates to the remote device that the DHKey Check value received does not match the one calculated by the local device.
 0x06, The resultant encryption key size is insufficient for the security requirements of this device.
 0x05, Pairing isn't supported by the device
 0x0C, Indicates that the confirm value in the numeric comparison protocol do not match.
 0x02, The OOB data is not available
 0x01, The user input of the passkey failed, for example, the user cancelled the operation.
 0x08, Pairing failed due to an unspecified reason
#define SNP_SUCCESS   0x00
 SNP Success Status.
 SNP Unknown Attribute Status.
#define SNP_UNKNOWN_SERVICE   0x89
 SNP Unknown Service Status.


snpAddCharDescDeclReq_t addCharDescDeclReq
 Add characteristic descriptor Request.
snpAddCharDescDeclRsp_t addCharDescDeclRsp
 Add characteristic descriptor Response.
snpAddCharValueDeclReq_t addCharValueDecReq
 Add characteristic value Request.
snpAddCharValueDeclRsp_t addCharValueDecRsp
 Add characteristic value Response.
uint8_t addressType
 1 Byte Type of initiator address
snpAddServiceReq_t addServiceReq
 Add service request.
snpAddServiceRsp_t addServiceRsp
 Add service response.
snpErrorEvt_t advErrorEvt
 Parameter Structure snpErrorEvt_t.
uint8_t advStatus
 1 Byte Current state of advertising : More...
snpAdvStatusEvt_t advStatusEvt
 Parameter Structure snpAdvStatusEvt_t.
uint8_t ATTmethod
 1 Byte Current GATT operation in progress if snpGetStatusCmdRsp_t::ATTstatus is set to TRUE
uint16_t attMtuSize
 2 Byte New ATT MTU Size negotiated between GATT client and GATT server.
snpATTMTUSizeEvt_t attMTUSizeEvt
 Parameter Structure snpATTMTUSizeEvt_t.
uint16_t attrHandle
 2 Byte attribute handle of the characteristic value.
uint16_t attrHandle
 2 Byte Handle of the characteristic value attribute being read
uint16_t attrHandle
 2 Byte Handle of the characteristic value attribute being read
uint16_t attrHandle
 2 Byte Handle of the characteristic value attribute being written
uint16_t attrHandle
 2 Byte Handle of the characteristic value attribute to notify/indicate
uint16_t attrHandle
 2 Byte Attribute handle of the characteristic value.
uint16_t attrHandle
 2 Byte Attribute handle of the characteristic value.
uint16_t attrHandle
 2 Byte Attribute handle of the characteristic value.
uint16_t attrHandle
 2 Byte Attribute handle of the characteristic value.
uint8_t ATTstatus
 1 Byte Current state of the GATT server More...
uint32_t authData
 4 Byte Authentication Data. 000000 - 999999 or TRUE/FALSE
uint8_t authenticate
 1 Byte Reserved for future use
snpAuthenticationEvt_t authenticationEvt
 Parameter Structure snpAuthenticationEvt_t.
uint8_t behavior
 1 Byte Behavior of Advertisement on connection event, Adv. behavior when connection are established or terminated.
uint16_t cccdHandle
 2 Byte Handle of the characteristic value attribute to notify/indicate
snpCharCfgUpdatedInd_t charCfgUpdatedReq
 Characteristic configuration updated indication.
snpCharCfgUpdatedRsp_t charcfgUpdatedRsp
 Characteristic configuration update response.
uint16_t charValMaxLen
uint8_t charValPerms
 1 Byte permissions of the value attribute, see GATT Attribute Access Permissions Bit Fields
uint16_t charValProps
 2 Byte property of the value attribute, see GATT Characteristic Properties Bit Fields
snpCharWriteCnf_t charWriteCnf
 Characteristic write confirmation.
snpCharWriteInd_t charWriteInd
 Characteristic write request.
snpConnEstEvt_t connEstEvt
 Parameter Structure snpConnEstEvt_t.
uint16_t connHandle
 2 Byte Connection Handle to terminate
uint16_t connHandle
 2 Byte handle of the connection to update parameters to.
uint16_t connHandle
 handle of the connection the parameter update was intended for
uint16_t connHandle
 2 Byte Handle of the connection
uint16_t connHandle
 2 Byte Handle of the connection
uint16_t connHandle
 2 Byte Handle of the connection
uint16_t connHandle
 2 Byte Handle of the connection
uint16_t connHandle
 2 Byte Handle of the connection
uint16_t connHandle
 2 Byte Handle of the connection
uint16_t connHandle
 2 Byte Handle of the connection
uint16_t connHandle
 2 Byte Handle of the connection
uint16_t connHandle
 2 Byte Handle of the connection
uint16_t connHandle
 2 Byte Handle of the connection
uint16_t connInterval
 2 Byte More...
uint16_t connInterval
 2 Byte More...
snpConnTermEvt_t connTermEvt
 Parameter Structure snpConnTermEvt_t.
snpTermConnReq_t connTermReq
 Connection terminated Request.
uint16_t desc
 < 1 Byte Namespace, as described by BLE Spec, Vol 3, Part G, Chapter 3.3 More...
uint8_t display
 1 Byte TRUE if device must display passcode.
uint16_t endHandle
 2 Byte Last attribute handle of the registered service
uint16_t event
 2 Byte Event, list of asynchronous events generated by the SNP.
uint16_t eventMask
uint8_t exponent
 1 Byte Exponent, as described by BLE Spec, Vol 3, Part G, Chapter 3.3
uint8_t filterPolicy
 1 Byte Advertising filter policy, Reserved for Future Use
uint8_t format
 1 Byte Format, as described by BLE Spec, Vol 3, Part G, Chapter 3.3
uint8_t gapRoleStatus
 1 Byte Current state of the GAP Role ( gaprole_States_t) More...
snpGetGapParamReq_t getGapParamReq
 Get GAP parameter Request.
snpGetGapParamRsp_t getGapParamRsp
 Get GAP parameter Response.
snpGetGattParamReq_t getGattParamReq
 Get GATT parameter response.
snpGetGattParamRsp_t getGattParamRsp
 Get GATT parameter request.
snpGetStatusCmdRsp_t getStatusRsp
 Get status Response.
uint16_t handles [6]
 Maximum handles returned is 6. One for each possible attribute added. Header will determine the number of actual handles returned.
snpHciCmdReq_t hciCmdReq
 HCI command request.
snpHciCmdRsp_t hciCmdRsp
 HCI command response (event)
uint8_t header
 1 Byte Header Field, SNP GATT Descriptors Header
uint8_t header
uint8_t initiatorAddress [6]
 6 Byte Initiator Address, Reserved for Future Use
uint8_t initiatorAddrType
 1 Byte Initiator Address Type, Reserved for Future Use
uint16_t initLen
 2 Byte initial length of the string, plus one byte for null terminator (must be <= snpAddAttrUserDesc_t::maxLen)
uint8_t input
 1 Byte TRUE if device must input passcode.
uint16_t interval
 2 Byte Interval between advertisement event in 625us period. More...
uint16_t intervalMax
 2 Byte Maximum value for the connection event interval. More...
uint16_t intervalMax
 2 Byte More...
uint16_t intervalMin
 2 Byte Minimum value for the connection event interval. More...
uint16_t intervalMin
 2 Byte More...
uint16_t latency
 2 Byte More...
uint16_t maskedEvent
snpMaskEventRsp_t maskEventCnf
 event mask confirmation.
snpMaskEventReq_t maskEventReq
 event mask request.
uint16_t maxLen
 2 Byte Maximum possible length of the string, plus one byte for null terminator (range from 1 to 512)
uint16_t maxLen
uint16_t maxLen
uint16_t maxSize
 2 Byte Max Size of the data to read
uint16_t memAlo
 2 Byte HEAP allocated memory
uint16_t memMax
 2 Byte maximum HEAP ever allocated since startup
uint16_t memSize
 2 Byte total HEAP size
uint8_t mgmtOption
 1 Byte Reserved for future use
snpNotifIndCnf_t notifIndCnf
 Indication Confirmation.
snpNotifIndReq_t notifIndReq
 Notification or indication request.
uint32_t numCmp
 32 bit Numeric Comparison value to display, 0 if not used.
uint16_t offset
 2 Byte Offset of the characteristic to start reading from
uint16_t offset
 2 Byte Offset of the characteristic to start reading from
uint16_t offset
 2 Byte Offset of the characteristic to start writing to
uint16_t opcode
uint16_t opcode
 2 Byte HCI opcode that was executed in the request, list of all HCI commands allowed by the SNP.
uint16_t opcode
 2 Byte SNP opcode that triggered the error
uint8_t option
 1 Byte Type of disconnection requested. see GAP GATT Terminate connection request option field.
uint8_t pAddr [6]
 6 Byte Address of the initiator
uint16_t paramId
 2 Byte GAP Parameter ID, GAP Parameter IDs or snpSetSecParamReq_t
uint16_t paramId
 2 Byte GAP Parameter ID, GAP Parameter IDs
uint8_t paramID
 1 Byte ID of the parameter of the service to update/retrieved
uint8_t paramID
 1 Byte ID of the parameter to retrieved.
 Pointer to Parameter Structure, snpAddAttrCccd_t.
uint8_t * pData
uint8_t * pData
uint8_t * pData
 Pointer to the advertisement data buffer to update, up to 31 Bytes.
uint8_t * pData
uint8_t * pData
uint8_t * pData
 Pointer to.
uint8_t * pData
 Pointer of Data to write/retrieved.
uint8_t * pData
 Pointer of data value to set.
uint8_t * pData
 Pointer to data of the value to set.
uint8_t * pDesc
 Pointer to initial string (must be null terminated)
uint8_t perms
 1 Byte permissions of the attribute, GATT Attribute Access Permissions Bit Fields
uint8_t perms
 1 Byte Permissions of the attribute, GATT Attribute Access Permissions Bit Fields, force to Read only
uint8_t perms
 1 Byte Permissions of the attribute, see GATT Attribute Access Permissions Bit Fields, force to Read only
uint8_t perms
 1 Byte Permissions of the attribute, see GATT Attribute Access Permissions Bit Fields, force to Read only
 Pointer to Parameter Structure, snpAddAttrFormat_t.
 Pointer to Parameter Structure, snpAddAttrGenLongUUID_t.
 Pointer to Parameter Structure, snpAddAttrGenShortUUID_t.
 Pointer to Parameter Structure, snpAddAttrUserDesc_t.
uint32_t rand
 32-bit Random Number generated by TRNG
snpGetRandRsp_t randRsp
 Get Random Number Response.
snpCharReadCnf_t readCnf
 Characteristic read confirmation.
snpCharReadInd_t readInd
 Characteristic read request.
uint8_t reason
 1 Byte Reason of the termination connection termination reason.
snpRegisterServiceRsp_t registerService
 Register service Response.
snpGetRevisionRsp_t revisionRsp
 Get revision Response.
uint8_t rspNeeded
 1 Byte Indicate if the AP must answer this indication or not, Options for Response Needed Field
uint8_t rspNeeded
 1 Byte Indicate if the AP must answer this indication or not, Options for Response Needed Field
snpSecurityEvt_t securityEvt
 Parameter Structure snpSecurityEvt_t.
uint8_t serviceID
uint8_t serviceID
 1 Byte ID of the service containing the parameter to define
snpSetAdvDataCnf_t setAdvDataCnf
 Set advertising data Response.
snpSetAdvDataReq_t setAdvDataReq
 Set advertising data Request.
snpSetAuthDataReq_t setAuthDataReq
 Set Authentication Data request.
snpSetAuthDataRsp_t setAuthDataRsp
 Set Authentication Data response.
snpSetGapParamReq_t setGapParamReq
 Set GAP parameter Request.
snpSetGapParamRsp_t setGapParamRsp
 Set GAP parameter Response.
snpSetGattParamReq_t setGattParamReq
 Set GATT parameter request.
snpSetGattParamRsp_t setGattParamRsp
 Set GATT parameter response.
snpSetSecParamReq_t setSecParamReq
 Set the Security Requirements request.
snpSetSecParamRsp_t setSecParamRsp
 Set Security Requirements response.
snpSetWhiteListReq_t setWhiteListReq
 Set the White List Filter Policy request.
snpSetWhiteListRsp_t setWhiteListRsp
 Set the White List Filter Policy response.
uint16_t slaveLatency
 2 Byte Slave latency for the connection in number of connection events. More...
uint16_t slaveLatency
 2 Byte More...
uint16_t slaveLatency
 2 Byte More...
uint16_t snpVer
 2 Byte Version of the SNP (major, minor)
uint8_t stackBuildVer [10]
 10 Byte Stack Revision see TI HCI vendor guide.
snpStartAdvReq_t startAdv
 Start advertising request.
uint16_t startHandle
 2 Byte First attribute handle of the registered service
uint8_t state
 1 Byte New Security State Security States
uint8_t status
 1 Byte status of the request (SUCCESS or Error, list of status generated by the SNP.)
uint8_t status
 1 Byte status of the request (SUCCESS or Error, list of status generated by the SNP.)
uint8_t status
 status of the request (SUCCESS or Error, list of status generated by the SNP.)
uint8_t status
 1 Byte Status of the request (SUCCESS or Error, list of status generated by the SNP.)
uint8_t status
 1 Byte status of the request (SUCCESS or Error, list of status generated by the SNP.)
uint8_t status
 1 Byte Command Status list of status generated by the SNP.
uint8_t status
 1 Byte Status of the request (SUCCESS or Error, list of status generated by the SNP.)
uint8_t status
 1 Byte Status of the request (SUCCESS or Error, list of status generated by the SNP.)
uint8_t status
 1 Byte Status of the request (SUCCESS or Error, list of status generated by the SNP.)
uint8_t status
 1 Byte Command Status (SUCCESS or Error, list of status generated by the SNP.)
uint8_t status
 1 Byte Status of the request (SUCCESS or Error, list of status generated by the SNP.)
uint8_t status
 1 Byte Status of the request (SUCCESS or Error, list of status generated by the SNP.)
uint8_t status
 1 Byte Status list of status generated by the SNP.
uint8_t status
 1 Byte Status upon entering this state list of status generated by the SNP.
uint8_t status
 1 Byte Status of the request list of status generated by the SNP.
uint16_t supervisionTimeout
 2 Byte Supervision timeout for the LE Link. More...
uint16_t supervisionTimeout
 2 Byte More...
uint16_t supervisionTimeout
 2 Byte More...
snpTestCmdRsp_t testCmdRsp
 Test command response.
uint16_t timeout
 2 Byte Timeout of the advertisement. More...
uint16_t timeout
 2 Byte More...
uint8_t type
 1 Byte Type of Advertisement, see Advertisement Type
uint8_t type
 1 Byte Type of Advertisement data to update, see Adv. data buffer
uint8_t type
 1 Byte Type of the service to add. see Service Type
uint8_t type
 1 Byte Type of the request, see SNP indication type
uint16_t unit
 2 Byte Unit, as described by BLE Spec, Vol 3, Part G, Chapter 3.3
snpUpdateConnParamEvt_t updateConnParamEvt
 Parameter Structure snpUpdateConnParamEvt_t.
snpUpdateConnParamCnf_t updateConnParamsCnf
 Update connection parameters, request.
snpUpdateConnParamReq_t updateConnParamsReq
 Update connection parameters indication.
uint8_t useWhiteList
 1 Byte White List Filter Policy, Advertisement Filter Policy Type
uint8_t UUID [16]
uint8_t UUID [16]
uint8_t UUID [2]
 2 Byte UUID of the attribute. see dealing with UUID
uint8_t UUID [16]
 16 Byte UUID of the attribute. see dealing with UUID
uint16_t value
 2 Byte Parameter Value set if for SET command
uint16_t value
 2 Byte Parameter Value retrieved.
uint16_t value
 2 Byte Value to write to the CCCD

Detailed Description

to the SAP layer. Note: These defines were added after the SAP was not able to understand the statuses that were transfered "as is" to the pGapBondCB->pairStateCB. The values of these defines is copied from the original define status.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define SNP_CONN_INT_MIN   0x0006

Connection Interval Range (in 1.25ms units, ranging from 7.5ms to 4s)

minimal connection interval range: 7.5ms


#define SNP_CONN_SL_MIN   0x0000

Slave Latency Ranges.

minimal slave latency value



Supervisor Timeout Range (in 10ms units, ranging from 100ms to 32 seconds)

minimum supervision timeout, multiple of 10ms


SNP Connection Terminated Event.
Definition: snp.h:254
SNP Connection Established Event.
Definition: snp.h:253
SNP Advertising Ended Event.
Definition: snp.h:257
SNP Error Event.
Definition: snp.h:261
SNP Advertising Started Event.
Definition: snp.h:256

this mask check that only meaningful event can be masked/send.


For now, Only read and write permissions are allowed. permission to read the attribute value...
Definition: snp.h:407

mask for clearing RFU bits on the attribute permissions field

Variable Documentation

§ advStatus

uint8_t advStatus

1 Byte Current state of advertising :

TRUE= advertisement enable,
FALSE = advertisement disable

§ ATTstatus

uint8_t ATTstatus

1 Byte Current state of the GATT server

TRUE= operation ongoing, snpGetStatusCmdRsp_t::ATTmethod will indicate the currently running operation
FALSE = no operation

§ charValMaxLen

uint16_t charValMaxLen

1 Byte Reserved for future use Range: 0-512

Since for now the characteristic value is managed only by the AP, this length field is not useful. Reserve for future use.

§ connInterval [1/2]

uint16_t connInterval

2 Byte

See also

§ connInterval [2/2]

uint16_t connInterval

2 Byte

See also

§ desc

uint16_t desc

< 1 Byte Namespace, as described by BLE Spec, Vol 3, Part G, Chapter 3.3

2 Byte Desc, as described by BLE Spec, Vol 3, Part G, Chapter 3.3

§ eventMask

uint16_t eventMask

2 Byte bitmask of Events to be masked

list of events available are listed here: list of asynchronous events generated by the SNP.

§ gapRoleStatus

uint8_t gapRoleStatus

1 Byte Current state of the GAP Role ( gaprole_States_t)

Currently, Only Peripheral:
is the only possible GAP Peripheral Role State

§ header

uint8_t header

1 Byte Header bit field of request.

Defines which attributes are added.
SNP GATT Descriptors Header

§ interval

uint16_t interval

2 Byte Interval between advertisement event in 625us period.

unit is in 625us period.

§ intervalMax [1/2]

uint16_t intervalMax

2 Byte Maximum value for the connection event interval.

This shall be greater than or equal to intervalMin.
Range: 0x0006 to 0x0C80
Time = intervalMax * 1.25 msec
Time Range: 7.5 msec to 4 seconds.

§ intervalMax [2/2]

uint16_t intervalMax

2 Byte

See also

§ intervalMin [1/2]

uint16_t intervalMin

2 Byte Minimum value for the connection event interval.

This shall be less than or equal to intervalMax.
Range: 0x0006 to 0x0C80
Time = intervalMin * 1.25 msec
Time Range: 7.5 msec to 4 seconds.

§ intervalMin [2/2]

uint16_t intervalMin

2 Byte

See also

§ latency

uint16_t latency

§ maskedEvent

uint16_t maskedEvent

2 Byte Events that has been masked.

list of events available are listed here: list of asynchronous events generated by the SNP.

§ maxLen [1/2]

uint16_t maxLen

2 Byte Reserved for future use Range: 0-512

Since the characteristic value is managed only by the AP, this length field is not useful. Reserved for future use.

§ maxLen [2/2]

uint16_t maxLen

2 Byte Reserved for future use Range: 0-512

Since the characteristic value is managed only by the AP, this length field is not useful. Reserved for future use.

§ opcode

uint16_t opcode

2 Byte HCI opcode to execute

The list of available HCI opcode is listed here: list of all HCI commands allowed by the SNP.

§ pData [1/4]

uint8_t* pData

Pointer Parameters of the HCI opcode.

Parameter depends of the HCI command being used. These parameter are identical to the ones define in TI HCI vendor guide and by the Bluetooth Specification

§ pData [2/4]

uint8_t* pData

Pointer Result parameters for this opcode

The expected result is the same as described in the HCI vendor guide or Bluetooth Specification. The Event Code may not be the same, the opcode referenced the request is sent back instead. (in the snpHciCmdRsp_t::opcode field)

§ pData [3/4]

uint8_t* pData

Pointer of Characteristic value data
From snpCharReadCnf_t::offset to offset + snpCharReadInd_t::maxSize -1.

§ pData [4/4]

uint8_t* pData

Pointer to Data to write to the characteristic value, from snpCharWriteInd_t::offset to size of data (deduced from NPI frame length)

§ serviceID

uint8_t serviceID

1 Byte ID of the service containing the parameter

Existing list of service can be found here: see Predefined services

§ slaveLatency [1/3]

uint16_t slaveLatency

2 Byte Slave latency for the connection in number of connection events.

Range: 0x0000 to 0x01F3

§ slaveLatency [2/3]

uint16_t slaveLatency

§ slaveLatency [3/3]

uint16_t slaveLatency

§ supervisionTimeout [1/3]

uint16_t supervisionTimeout

2 Byte Supervision timeout for the LE Link.

Range: 0x000A to 0x0C80
Time = connTimeout * 10 msec
Time Range: 100 msec to 32 seconds

§ supervisionTimeout [2/3]

uint16_t supervisionTimeout

§ supervisionTimeout [3/3]

uint16_t supervisionTimeout

§ timeout [1/2]

uint16_t timeout

2 Byte Timeout of the advertisement.

unit is in 625us period. value of 0 mean infinite advertisement.

§ timeout [2/2]

uint16_t timeout

§ UUID [1/2]

uint8_t UUID[16]

16 Byte UUID of the service, up to 16 Bytes dealing with UUID to know more about how to use UUID field.
UUID can be 2 bytes only.
at reception of this request, the length of the UUID can be deduce from the NPI frame length. at transmission of this request, the length of UUID will need to be indicated outside of this structure.

§ UUID [2/2]

uint8_t UUID[16]

16 Bytes UUID of the characteristic. see dealing with UUID

UUID can be 2 bytes only. at reception of this request, the length of the UUID can be deduce from the NPI frame length. at transmission of this request, the length of UUID will need to be indicated outside of this structure.

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